Incandescent Light Bulb 3000K Sun 7000K Blue Giant Star 40,000K JET Fusion Experiment, Oxfordshire 100,000,000K
Freezer -18°C Antarctica -50°C Liquid Helium °C = 4.2K Dilution refrigerator with adiabatic demagnetisation K =
0° C Water melts -196° C Nitrogen boils -183° C Oxygen boils -210° C Nitrogen melts ° C The coldest temperature0K 63K K 90K 77K -40° C Carbon Dioxide sublimes233K -223° C Oxygen melts50K -269° C Helium boils 4.2K
disciple-thermostat-vs-thermometer/ anets/sun evolution.php s.php antarctica info&cPath=481_446_66&products_id=6689