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According to the “Ad Hoc Quota Trial Scheme for Cross Boundary Private Cars” (also known as “Self- drive Tour Scheme"), during the first stage, qualified Hong Kong private car owners may apply for such quotas to drive to Guangdong for a short stay. The specific arrangements for the second phase, which allows cars from the mainland to enter Hong Kong, will be further studied after the smooth operation of the first phase. All mainland drivers and cars must comply with local traffic ordinances and regulations while driving in Hong Kong. The announcement of the scheme has aroused considerable public concern. Introduction
(Please click on the icons below for reference information) Questions for Reflection : What are the major reasons for and against the “Self-drive Tour Scheme"? As reflected from these viewpoints, what are the impacts of the “Self-drive Tour Scheme" on Hong Kong people’s quality of life? What challenges will the Hong Kong Government face when it implements the “Self-drive Tour Scheme"? Reference Information Questions for Reflection : How does the Hong Kong Government respond to the public concerns for the implementation of the “Self-drive Tour Scheme”? Background Information Viewpoints for and against the “Self-drive Tour Scheme" Government’s Response (2012, February 15). LCQ3: Implementation of the cross-boundary private cars ad hoc quota trial scheme. Retrieved from : (2012, February 13). Infrastructure & Logistics - Mainland driving trial unveiled. Retrieved from : _ shtml _ shtml (2012, February 7). Infrastructure & Logistics - No timetable set for Mainland cars to enter HK. Retrieved from : _ shtml _ shtml (Last updated : 2012, February 28) Reference Information - Background Background Information Viewpoints (For) Government’s Response Viewpoints (Against)
Viewpoints (For ): Chinadaily (2012, February 14). Ad hoc quota plan necessary. p. H03. Chinadaily (2012, February 21). Ad hoc quota plan can work. P. H03. Mingpao (2012, February 21). Good Scheme Loses Lustre Because of Government Inefficiency. P. D07. Chinadaily (2012, March 2). ‘Self-drive’ debate shameful. p. H03. 陳勇 (2012) ,《大公報》, A23 , 2 月 15 日。 ( 另見: ) [Chinese Only] 何子文 (2012) ,《香港商報》, A04 , 2 月 13 日。 ( 另見: 02/13/content_ htm ) [Chinese Only] 02/13/content_ htm 宋立功 (2012) ,《東方日報》, A32 , 2 月 16 日。 ( 另見: ) [Chinese Only] More Information 1. What are the major reasons for and against the “Self-drive Tour Scheme"? 2. As reflected from these viewpoints, what are the impacts of the “Self-drive Tour Scheme" on Hong Kong people’s quality of life? 3. What challenges will the Hong Kong Government face when it implements the “Self-drive Tour Scheme"? (Last Updated: 2012, March 2) Reference Information - Viewpoints for and against the “Self-drive Tour Scheme" Background Information Viewpoints (For) Government’s Response Viewpoints (Against)
Viewpoints (For ): 陳振寧 (2012) ,《文匯報》, A15 , 2 月 15 日。 ( 另見: ) [Chinese Only] 卓偉 (2012) ,《文匯報》, A18 , 2 月 17 日。 ( 另見: ) [Chinese Only] 劉夢熊 (2012) , 《文匯報》, A19 , 2 月 20 日。 ( 另見: ) [Chinese Only] (2012) 《香港商報》, A13 , 2 月 16 日。 ( 另見: ) [Chinese Only] Reference Information - Viewpoints for and against the “Self-drive Tour Scheme" 1. What are the major reasons for and against the “Self-drive Tour Scheme"? 2. As reflected from these viewpoints, what are the impacts of the “Self-drive Tour Scheme" on Hong Kong people’s quality of life? 3. What challenges will the Hong Kong Government face when it implements the “Self-drive Tour Scheme"? (Last Updated: 2012, March 2) More Information Background Information Viewpoints (For) Government’s Response Viewpoints (Against)
Viewpoints (For ): 亞洲電視 (2012) , 2 月 7 日。 ( 取自: [Chinese Only] (2012) 《文匯報》, A22 , 2 月 17 日。 ( 另見: ) [Chinese Only] 張學明 (2012) ,《文匯報》, A14 , 2 月 22 日。 ( 另見: ) [Chinese Only] Reference Information - Viewpoints for and against the “Self-drive Tour Scheme" 1. What are the major reasons for and against the “Self-drive Tour Scheme"? 2. As reflected from these viewpoints, what are the impacts of the “Self-drive Tour Scheme" on Hong Kong people’s quality of life? 3. What challenges will the Hong Kong Government face when it implements the “Self-drive Tour Scheme"? (Last Updated: 2012, March 2) More Information Background Information Viewpoints (For) Government’s Response Viewpoints (Against)
Viewpoints (Against): Hong Kong Standard (2012, February 28). Rocky road ahead for integration drive. p. P24. Stuart Lau (2012, February 13). Pledge on mainland cars fails to impress protesters. South China Morning Post. P. EDT1. (2012) 《 Facebook 》。取自 (2012) 《 Facebook 》。 取自 %96%E5%B8%82%E6%B0%91%E5%8F%8D%E5%B0%8D%E8%87%AA%E 9%A7%95%E9%81%8A10%E8%90%AC%E4%BA%BA%E9%BD%8A%E9%B D%8A%E7%99%BC%E8%81%B2%E4%BB%A5%E7%A4%BA%E4%B8%8D %E6%BB%BF/ http://zh- %96%E5%B8%82%E6%B0%91%E5%8F%8D%E5%B0%8D%E8%87%AA%E 9%A7%95%E9%81%8A10%E8%90%AC%E4%BA%BA%E9%BD%8A%E9%B D%8A%E7%99%BC%E8%81%B2%E4%BB%A5%E7%A4%BA%E4%B8%8D %E6%BB%BF/ Reference Information - Viewpoints for and against the “Self-drive Tour Scheme" More Information 1. What are the major reasons for and against the “Self-drive Tour Scheme"? 2. As reflected from these viewpoints, what are the impacts of the “Self-drive Tour Scheme" on Hong Kong people’s quality of life? 3. What challenges will the Hong Kong Government face when it implements the “Self-drive Tour Scheme"? (Last Updated: 2012, March 2) Background Information Viewpoints (For) Government’s Response Viewpoints (Against)
Viewpoints (Against): 陳淑莊 (2012) ,《星島日報》, A18 , 2 月 16 日。 [Chinese Only] 莫乃光 (2012) ,《信報財經新聞》, 2 月 14 日。取自: =80624 [Chinese Only] =80624 張慧慈 (2012) ,《頭條新聞》, 2 月 8 日。取自: [Chinese Only] ,《 am730 》, M22 , 2 月 20 日。 ( 另 見: ) [Chinese Only] Reference Information - Viewpoints for and against the “Self-drive Tour Scheme" More Information 1. What are the major reasons for and against the “Self-drive Tour Scheme"? 2. As reflected from these viewpoints, what are the impacts of the “Self-drive Tour Scheme" on Hong Kong people’s quality of life? 3. What challenges will the Hong Kong Government face when it implements the “Self-drive Tour Scheme"? (Last Updated: 2012, March 2) Background Information Viewpoints (For) Government’s Response Viewpoints (Against)
Viewpoints (Against): ,《東方日報》, A06 , 2 月 15 日。 ( 另見: ) [Chinese Only] 陳文鴻 (2012) ,《東方日報》,, A32 , 2 月 15 日。 ( 另見: ) [Chinese Only] ,《東方日報》, A24 , 2 月 24 日。 ( 另見: ) [Chinese Only] 劉瀾昌 ( 執行監制製 )( 播放日期: 2012 年 2 月 25 日 ) 香港: 亞洲電視。 ( 取自: ) [Chinese Only] Reference Information - Viewpoints for and against the “Self-drive Tour Scheme" 1. What are the major reasons for and against the “Self-drive Tour Scheme"? 2. As reflected from these viewpoints, what are the impacts of the “Self-drive Tour Scheme" on Hong Kong people’s quality of life? 3. What challenges will the Hong Kong Government face when it implements the “Self-drive Tour Scheme"? (Last Updated: 2012, February 28) More Information Background Information Viewpoints (For) Government’s Response Viewpoints (Against)
Viewpoints (Against): 劉瀾昌 ( 執行監制製 )( 播放日期: 2012 年 2 月 25 日 ) 香港: 亞洲電視。 ( 取自: ) [Chinese Only] 馬占威 ( 監製 ) ( 播放日期: 2012 年 2 月 16 日 ) ,香港:香港電台。 ( 另見: = &p=866&e=168887&m=episode ) [Chinese Only] = &p=866&e=168887&m=episode 亞洲電視 ( 播放日期: 2012 年 2 月 19 日 ) 香港: 亞洲電視。 ( 取自: 19&id=157803&cn=0 ) [Chinese Only] 19&id=157803&cn=0 李立賢 (2012) , P52 , 2 月 17 日。 ( 另見: p?id=180074§ion_name=wtt&kw=97 ) [Chinese Only] p?id=180074§ion_name=wtt&kw=97 Reference Information - Viewpoints for and against the “Self-drive Tour Scheme" 1. What are the major reasons for and against the “Self-drive Tour Scheme"? 2. As reflected from these viewpoints, what are the impacts of the “Self-drive Tour Scheme" on Hong Kong people’s quality of life? 3. What challenges will the Hong Kong Government face when it implements the “Self-drive Tour Scheme"? (Last Updated: 2012, February 28) Background Information Viewpoints (For) Government’s Response Viewpoints (Against) (2012, February 24). Infrastructure & Logistics. Experts back car trial scheme. Retrieved from : _ shtml?pickList=ticker _ shtml?pickList=ticker (2012, February 15). Law & Order. Cars checked for pregnant Mainlanders. Retrieved from : _ shtml _ shtml (2012, February 15). LCQ19: Implementation details for cross-boundary private cars ad hoc quota trial scheme. Retrieved from : How does the Hong Kong Government respond to the public concerns for the implementation of the “Self-drive Tour Scheme”? (Last update: 2012, March 2) Reference Information – Government’s Response More Information Background Information Viewpoints (For) Government’s Response Viewpoints (Against) (2012, February 15). Infrastructure & Logistics. Mainland driving scheme just a trial. Retrieved from : _ shtml _ shtml Chinadaily (2012, February 17). Self-drive scheme not ‘bundled’. 香港政府新聞網 (2012 年 2 月 12 日 ) ( 取自: _ shtml ) [Chinese Only] _ shtml (2012) 《文匯報》, A17 , 2 月 13 日。 ( 另見: ) [Chinese Only] (2012) 《文匯報》, A22 , 2 月 17 日。 ( 另見: ) [Chinese Only] Reference Information – Government’s Response 3.How does the Hong Kong Government respond to the public concerns for the implementation of the “Self-drive Tour Scheme”? (Last update: 2012, March 2) Background Information Viewpoints (For) Government’s Response Viewpoints (Against)