Vocabulary Workshop 7
Complex Com-plex (adjective) – a describing word Meaning – Something that is complex has many parts or is hard to understand. Examples 1. The puzzle was very complex. 2. Men often find women to be very complex. 3. The film’s plot was so complex that I couldn’t follow it.
What subject in school do you find to be complex? What is a sport with complex rules? If something is too complex, what is something that you can do to help?
Conscious Con-scious (adjective) – a describing word Meaning –to be awake; to be able to think and understand Examples 1. After I woke up, I became conscious of my surroundings. 2. I could tell that my puppy was conscious of his name, because he barked every time he heard it.
What would you do if your friend was not conscious? Do you think that animals are conscious beings? Why or why not? Do you think that it will ever be possible to build a robot that is conscious? Why or why no?
Data Da-ta (noun) – a person place or thing Meaning – information or facts Examples 1. The scientists examined all of the data from the experiments. 2. The school collects data that tracks your grades and attendance. 3. The data was collected by many different researchers.
What data would be important for you to know? What is one way that you can keep track of the data that tells you your grades?
Specific Spe-ci-fic (adjective) – a describing word Meaning - very particular and detailed. Examples 1. Alex insists on eating a specific brand of cereal for breakfast. 2. If you give somebody directions, it is important to be specific. 3. I like Mexican food; specifically carne asada.
Make the following sentence more specific: I like the color blue. Make the following sentence more specific: I like to play with dogs. Make the following sentence more specific: My birthday is in June.
Sensation Sen-sa-tion (noun) – a person place or thing Meaning – a feeling or an awareness Examples 1. When I heard the noise behind me, I had a strong sensation that I was being followed. 2. After sitting on my leg for too long, I felt a tingling sensation when I got up. 3. When I drink soda too quickly, I get a prickling sensation in the back of my throat.
What sort of sensation would you get if you touched a hot pan? Describe the sensation you get when you drink a cold soda on a hot afternoon. What sort of sensation do you get when you go down a long drop on a roller-coaster?
Structure Struc-ture (noun) – a person place or thing Meaning – the way something is put together Examples 1. That building’s structure is designed to withstand earthquakes. 2. The structure of many large bridges involve cables and arches. 3. It is important to use proper grammatical structure when writing sentences.
Essential E-ssen-tial (adjective) – a describing word Meaning – very necessary Examples 1. It is essential that you eat fruits and vegetables if you want to be healthy. 2. Studying is essential to getting good grades. 3. Good reading comprehension is essential for success in a professional environment.
What is something that is essential for life? Do you think that TV is absolutely essential? What do you think is more essential, your TV or the internet? Why?
Diminish Di-mi-nish (verb) – an action word Meaning – To become smaller or less important Examples 1. When the president’s term was over, his power began to diminish. 2. When Mr. Lim stopped working out, his strength diminished. 3. My grades are slowly diminishing due to lack of effort.
What would make your energy diminish? What might make your grades diminish? What should you do if your bank account is diminishing?
Vital Vi-tal (adjective) – a describing word Meaning – extremely important; essential Examples 1. You heart is a vital organ. 2. A vital part of success is hard work.
What is another vital organ in your body? What is something that is vital to being successful at a job?
Dominant Do-mi-nant (Adjective) – a describing word Meaning – the most influential or powerful Examples 1. Paul’s scoring power makes him a dominant player on his baseball team. 2. Shaquille O'Neil was once considered the most dominant player in basketball. 3. The United States is considered one of the most dominant countries in the world.
What does a basketball player have to do in order to be dominant? Why are well educated people normally more dominant in professional environments? Do you think that the United States will still be a dominant country in one hundred years?
11. Alter Al-ter (verb) – an action word Meaning – to change Examples 1. Make sure that you alter any mistakes on your essay. 2. Men often have to make alterations when they buy a new suit.
What is one reason why you might have to alter your course while driving? What is something that a struggling student could alter to help him to get better grades?
12. Paralyzed Par-a-lyzed (Adjective) – a describing word Meaning – unable to move one’s body or body part Examples 1. Unfortunately, Lenny was paralyzed after the horrible car accident. 2. People who are paralyzed from the waste down often have to rely on wheelchairs to get around.
Why do think being paralyzed my be difficult on an individuals entire family. How is it possible that becoming paralyzed might actually make a person emotionally stronger?
13. Formulate For-mu-late (verb) – an action word Meaning – to plan out Examples 1. I had to formulate what I was going to say for my speech. 2. Many people say that the formula for success in life is hard work and dedication.
How would you formulate a plan to study for a challenging class? What do you think is the formula for a happy life? Why? In my opinion, the formula for a happy life is _________ and _____________ because…
14. Interact In-ter-act (Verb) – an action word Meaning – to work together Examples 1. It is important to interact with your partner if you are doing a pair share. 2. Good Interaction between different players on a team often leads to success.
Why is interaction between teammates is important in many sports? Why is important for students to interact during class discussions?
15. Function Func-tion (noun) – a thing Meaning – the role or purpose Examples 1. The function of sentence starters is to help students use good academic language. 2. The function of seatbelts are to protect drivers and passengers in the event of an accident.
Describe a function of your hands. What is the function of the human brain?