RDM Survey Survey questions and polling data collected at the LIASA Research Data Management workshop Cape Town 27 March 2014 Event web page: workshop-27-march-20 Survey questions and polling data also available at Survey report data available at Survey report data also available at Survey data published in Research Data Management in South Africa: How We Shape Up Michelle Kahn, Richard Higgs, Joy Davidson, Sarah Jones Australian Academic & Research Libraries Vol. 45, Iss. 4, 2014 DOI: / Polling carried out using TurningPoint version http:// workshop-27-march-20http://
On a scale of 1 to 5, rate your understanding of and confidence in supporting the concept of research data management (RDM 1.Poor 2.Below average 3.Average 4.Above average 5.Excellent
What type of institution do you represent? 1.University / Higher Education Institution 2.Research council 3.Funding body 4.Other
Whose responsibility should it be to create RDM policy? You may choose more than one response 1.Government 2.Institution (e.g. Research Council) 3.Professional body (e.g. HPCSA) 4.Funding body 5.Individual research group 6.Publisher
Do you know of any existing government RDM policies or frameworks in South Africa? 1.Yes 2.No
Does your institution have a RDM policy? 1.Yes 2.No 3.I don’t know
Whose responsibility should it be to curate (manage, store and preserve) research data? You may choose more than one response. 1.Individual researcher 2.Library/Librarian 3.ICT department 4.Professional/disciplinar y body 5.Funding body 6.Publisher
Where would you consider the largest knowledge and skills gap to be in RDM. Place in order from most to least important 1.Awareness of the concept of RDM 2.Database development and software skills 3.Metadata management 4.Long-term preservation of data and hardware infrastructure 5.Policy and governance of data 6.Data sharing 7.Finding and re-using data
Where would you consider the largest resource gap to be in RDM? Place in order from most to least important 1.Storage and network infrastructure 2.Curation tools and software 3.Policy frameworks 4.Curation skills and training 5.Guidance and support
In general, do you feel researchers at your institutions are receptive to data sharing and Open Data? 1. Yes 2. No
At what level should co-ordination of RDM in South Africa be led? 1.Regional (e.g. SADC) 2.National (government) 3.Professional body 4.Institutional consortium (e.g. CALICO) 5.Government and institutional consortia collaboration 6.Institutional