College and Career Ready Conference 2015
Participants will be able to: Review the design of the PARCC assessments. Analyze the Literary Analysis (LAT) and Narrative Writing Tasks (NWT) on PARCC. Use PARCC instructional resources to design your own instructional tools. Create an outline for designing an LAT and an NWT.
Draw or describe: Your academic level (middle, high, college, other) Your PARCC role at your school/district
The Literary Analysis Task plays an important role in honing students’ ability to read complex text closely, a skill that research reveals as the most significant factor differentiating college-ready from non-college-ready readers.
The Narrative Task broadens the way in which students may use this type of writing. Narrative writing can be used to convey experiences or events, real or imaginary. In this task, students may be asked to write a story, detail a scientific process, write a historical account of important figures, or to describe an account of events, scenes or objects, for example.
We will analyze some of the practice tests that are available to you and your students at
Groups 7 th Grade Literary Analysis10 th Grade Literary Analysis 7 th Grade Narrative Writing10 th Grade Narrative Writing
Observations: TextEBSR Questions PCR PromptOther
As you move about the room and read what other groups identified, place a star or check beside those observations that are similar to those your group made in your task analysis. 7 th Grade LAT 7 th Grade NWT 10 th Grade LAT 10 th Grade NWT
TGMs are guides designed to assure assessments are aligned with MCCRS and mirror PARCC items. Additional documents, which can be used to support your work creating PARCC-like assessments, can be found at. 0Generation%20Models%20including%20narrative_1.pdf
Describe the knowledge and skills that an assessment item or a task elicits from students. These are aligned directly to the Common Core State Standards.
The tables contain the Reading, Writing, and Vocabulary Major claims and the evidences to be measured on the PARCC Summative Assessment. Evidences describe what students might say or do to demonstrate mastery of the standards. An item on the PARCC assessment may measure multiple standards and multiple evidences.
Standards: In Grades 6 – 11 Literacy Standards for Reading History/Social Studies and for Reading Science/Technical are added RH – Reading History/Social Studies RST – Reading Science/Technical Reading an Evidence Table for Gr. 6-11
PARCC evidences are rooted in the language of the Standards so that expectations remain the same in both instructional and assessment settings.
Start with the end in mind! 1.Review the Task Generation Model to develop sample test items. 2.Read the texts provided (7 th or 10 th Grade texts). 3.Use the Evidence Tables to determine the standards that will be used. 4.Prepare a few strong possible questions and answers. 5.Use textual evidence to support correct and incorrect answer choices.
Evidence Table to help construct questions for the task can be found at: ade7-ReadingEvidenceTables-December2014.pdf ade7-ReadingEvidenceTables-December2014.pdf ade9-10-ReadingEvidenceTables- December2014.pdf ade9-10-ReadingEvidenceTables- December2014.pdf documents documents
Select someone from the group to share the groups best PARCC questions. My Little Book of Important Test Questions