By: Megan Dicken
Providing healthy food options to low income seniors
Seniors use coupons at farmers markets and roadside stands and community supported agriculture programs States provide coupons to low income seniors The Senior Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program awards grants to states
Providing low income seniors with a variety of fresh, local healthy foods Providing seniors with an opportunity to interact with the community Providing farmers with income from their sales to seniors
Seniors (age 60 and up) of not more than 185% of the Federal poverty income guidelines (USDA, 2012) These guidelines are published every year by the Department of Health and Human Services
Seniors enrolled in SFMNP receive: Coupons to spend at farmers markets on fruits, vegetables and other healthy foods Education and information about healthy nutrition Benefits of healthy nutrition Adding fruits and vegetables Storing fruits and vegetables Preparing fruits and vegetables
Each State is responsible for administration of it’s own SFMNP benefits Each State submits a yearly plan to the federal government to qualify for SFMNP The plan should include How the State will start the program How the State will run the program, including how different vendors can qualify for the program, and what products can be purchased with the coupons
The State will give out coupons to the seniors who qualify for them When a vendor receives a coupon they can turn it into the bank or the State for funds The Federal benefits of SFMNP are between $20 and $50 per year States may use 10% of their funds for administration
In 2011, 51 State and Federally recognized Indian tribal governments received grants The states who have not applied for grants Colorado, Delaware, Missouri, Wyoming, Utah, Idaho, South Dakota, North Dakota
In ,097 people were served by SFMNP 19,069 farmers/farmers’ markers were served 3,445 roadside stands were served
U.S. Department of Agriculture, (2012). Senior farmers' market nutrition program. Retrieved from website: