Reading April 18, 2012
Turn in project outlines – I am going to review them with each of you individually during the exercise Handout Chapter 9 quizzes (Due on Monday using a Scantron) Review Fact, Opinion, Bias Activity using articles (in pairs with highlighters)
Monday: Have Chapter 10 read Wednesday: – Your projects must be ed to me prior to 6:30 pm – If you cannot access gmail…….alternative strategies – We will continue working on Ch. 10 – Make sure to check your Aplia deadlines!
fact = idea that can be verified as being true = objective opinion = interpreted fact = subjective bias = preference for a particular viewpoint.
Adjectives Qualifiers: can be opinion or fact(how many, how often, modify verbs, degrees) Comparatives = focuses on 2 mor more things Superlatives = compares one thing to all other things of the same kind. Not all adjectives point to opinions!! Sometimes they clarify or summarize facts
Expert Doctor of Orthopedic Sports Medicine Informed Opinion Athlete recovering from knee injury People on the Street Sports fans
An expert is someone who earns our trust because he or she has gained extensive education and/or experience n a field of study. People are experts only in their own fields. Expert Doctor of Orthopedic Sports Medicine
Expert Doctor of Orthopedic Sports Medicine Experts gain knowledge from other experts and from direct study or experience with facts in their field. Experts are not infallible.
Expert Doctor of Orthopedic Sports Medicine Experts can build opposing opinions or interpretations from the same factual information.
Informed Opinion Athlete recovering from knee injury People who are informed have researched or experienced something we have not and are sharing what they have learned. This category includes media people who gather and relay news to the public.
Informed Opinion Athlete recovering from knee injury People who are informed get their knowledge directly from experts, from the media, and/or from personal experience. Informed opinions are often based on fact mixed with emotional experiences.
People on the Street Sports fans Ordinary people whose expertise is unknown are referred to as “people on the street.” These opinions may or may not be based on facts.
Get into groups of 2 I am going to hand out the articles that were turned in Using the highlighters, select what are the facts and what are the opinions in the article. Use a separate color for fact and for opinion. See if you can define the author’s BIAS in the article.