Objective 6.02 Understand basic agricultural engineering principles and practices.
Shop Safety Awareness and Principles for Safety Of all farm related accidents, nearly 50% involve working with machinery. Safety Developing an environment free from danger, risk or injury. Keys to shop: Trained in safe and proper tool operations Pass a safety test prior to using the shop Keep the shop clean Remove unnecessary hazards such oily rags Make sure all machines have safety shields in place
Shop Safety Awareness and Principles for Safety Wear appropriate personal protective clothing and devices. For example: Safety glasses or goggles Leather steel-toed shoes Ear protection (plugs or muffs) hearing loss when the noise level exceeds 90 dB (decibels) Other safety clothing may be required for certain work such as welding
Safety Color Coding in the Agricultural Mechanics Shop National organizations worked together to develop the system The American Society of Agricultural Engineers and the Safety Committee of the American Vocational Association alerts people to dangers and hazards provides information to help on react quickly in an emergency conveys a special message based on a standard code
Basic Safety Code Colors RED Identifies areas of danger Red is used on safety switches and fire extinguishers Red = Danger
Basic Safety Code Colors ORANGE Designates machine hazards, such as edges and openings It is also used as background for electrical switches, levers and controls Orange = Warning.
Basic Safety Code Colors YELLOW Identifies wheels, levers, and knobs adjust or control machines Yellow = Caution
Basic Safety Code Colors BLUE Used on signs such as “Out of Order” identify broken shop equipment that does not work or does not work properly Blue = Information
Basic Safety Code Colors GREEN Indicates the presence of first aid and safety equipment Green = Safety
Fire Hazards in the Agricultural Mechanics Shop Fire Triangle Components necessary for a fire Fuel – Any combustible material that will burn Examples: oily rags, sawdust, paper, etc. Heat – Most materials burn if they are made hot enough Oxygen (O) – Not a fuel, but must be present for fuels to burn
Fire Hazards in the Agricultural Mechanics Shop Fire Prevention Take away one of the components of the fire triangle and fire will not start or will stop if already started. Safe storage of fuels or combustible materials Store fuels in approved containers Clean shop facilities
Extinguishing Fires Fire Extinguishers Know the kind of fire extinguisher Class A Fire Extinguishers use water to control ordinary combustibles Know the placement of fire extinguishers so that time is not taken looking for the extinguisher if a fire occurs. hung on walls within easy reach in areas where fires would most likely occur Know how to use held upright, the ring pin is pulled, and a lever is pressed nozzle of the extinguisher toward the base of the fire
Extinguishing Fires Other examples Wrapping a person in a blanket whose clothes are on fire eliminates oxygen from getting to the fire Cooling with water from a hose or bucket a burning container of paper
Planning an Agricultural Engineering Project Simple Project Designs Sharp lead pencil Protractor for drawing and measuring angles Good eraser for making corrections A twelve-inch ruler Compass for drawing circles and arches
Planning an Agricultural Engineering Project More Detailed Plans Drawing board Masking The T square drawing horizontal lines The right triangle (30, 60, 90 degree triangle) in conjunction with the T square, is used to draw vertical lines. The scale Instrument with all increments shortened according to proportion Flat scale – looks similar to a ruler. Triangular scale – three sided, but six scales
Planning an Agricultural Engineering Project Large Scale Projects CAD (computer- aided design) reduce design time for large scale projects
Planning an Agricultural Engineering Project Basics of Drawing Sketch rough drawing that is not to scale does have dimensions included Pictorial drawing shows all three dimensions at once Front side (end) top
Planning an Agricultural Engineering Project Basics of Drawing Scale drawing represents an object in exact proportion ¼” =1’ ¼” on the drawing would equal 1’ 2” line on the drawing would equal 8’ Scale will vary depending on the size of the object being drawn
Reading a Tape Rule Display units of measure U.S. customary system Metric system Marked to show halves, quarters, eighths, and sixteenths of an inch Typically, vertical lines of different heights represent these various intervals
Wood Projects Nails Fastest way to fasten wood Nail hammer or nail gun are the preferred tools Screws hold better than nails flathead screw is the one most used in woodworking Phillips head is preferred Bolts fastening wood at high stress points Gluing glued wood joint will be as strong as the wood itself Gluing is often accompanied by nails, screws, etc. Boards are held in place for gluing by clamps Bar clamps are one type of clamp used
Metal Projects Steel most commonly used at least 4 kinds of steel Soapstone soft, gray rock shows up well on most metals The hand tool most often used for cutting metal is the hacksaw Hacksaws are especially useful for cutting thin conduit Metal cutting band saws and power hacksaws used for large projects