Heroes Journey. David Michael Bobby
(1)Call to Adventure The hero is “invited” by a power or event to join the world of the fantastic, often the hero does not know about the troubles that they are called to help with. Ex: Heracles
(2)Refusal of the Call The hero denies their destiny as “the chosen one” and tries to convince the messenger of their plainness. Ex: Harry Potter
(3)Supernatural Aid The hero is taught by a figure often fatherly about their hidden past or of the powers they possess. They begin training and preparation Ex: King Arthur
(4)Crossing the First Threshold The hero can no longer go back to their life as it was, they have officially started their quest and must finish it. They have set off. Ex: Superman/Clark Kent
(5)The Belly of the Whale The first true test of the hero’s abilities, often a seemingly hopeless situation. Either a feat to be accomplished or a Foe to defeat. Ex: Pinocchio (Not the actual Whale scene.)
(6)The Road of Trials The hero is challenged and must fight (mental or physical) through a set number of tasks, each more dangerous than the last. Ex: The trials of Heracles
(7)Meeting with the Goddess The hero is now ready, he has achieved most if not all of his potential and must now continue. He must now learn the next step from a character, often female. Ex: Galadrial Lord of the Rings
(8)Temptation The hero is tempted by the very forces he is sent to defeat. The foe realizes if they tempt the hero, the prophecy will fail. Ex: Darth Vader, Star Wars.
(9)The Ultimate Boon The hero has finished the battle and emerged victorious, and comes away with the biggest and best bling the world has to offer. Ex: Romulus and Remus
(10)Refusal to Return The hero has become so used to the realm of the fantastic they wish to stay there forever. But may soon see the folly in that idea. Ex: Bellerophon
(11)The Magic Flight The hero is whisked quickly back home either by a magic device or the powers of the montage. If only they had that earlier. Ex: The Great Eagles of Middle-Earth
(12)Crossing the Return Threshold The hero must now overcome a challenge to go back to the regular. Often ironically the return threshold is the reverse of the first threshold Ex: Luke Skywalker
(13)Mastery of Two Worlds The Hero now has completed their first quest and now can blend seamlessly the realms of the fantastic and those of the Ordinary. Ex: Batman/Bruce Wayne
(14)Freedom to Live The hero having completed their task is now allowed to choose their path, most however are never truly able to return thanks to the events that happened. Ex: Frodo Baggins
Myths and Films The Lord of the Rings Books by J.R.R Tolkien. Step(s) 7, 11, 14 Batman by Bob Kane. Step(s) 13 Star Wars by George Lucas. Step(s) 8, 12 The Trials of Heracles, Greek Mythology. Step(s) 1, 6 Pinocchio by Carlo Conodi (who interestingly enough had a nose fetish). Step(s) 5 Rome Founding Myth. Step(s) 9 Superman by Jerry Siegal. Step(s) 4 Bellerophon and the Winged Horse. Step(s) 10 Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling. Step(s) 2 King Arthur of the Britans. Step(s) 3