Brittany Hester and Katie Malandro
Born in Italy to common parents in 1451 Oldest of five children Spent his childhood years on ships as a pirate Married Felipa Perestrella e Moniz Had two sons
Petitioned King Henry VII of England King John II of Portugal King Charles VIII of France All denied him
Isabella and Ferdinand of Spain agreed to fund his expedition in 1492 He would receive 10% of all riches gathered Left Palos, Spain in search of the Indies Nina, Pinta, Santa Maria 90 men onboard
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Crew Members: threatened mutiny on him. There were convinced they had been sailing far too long and were going to throw him overboard if they didn’t see land soon enough People He Conquered: Enslaved native inhabitants of the West Indies, forced them to convert to Christianity, and subdued them with violence to seek riches.
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Yes Charted a route to the new world Lead a dangerous and profitable exploration No Abused and took advantage of the Native People Is credited for something people did before him Everyone who was considered educated already assumed the world was round