Chapter 1 Section 3 “Luther Starts the Reformation”
Why Does it matter Now? Setting the Stage The _____________ church had come to dominate religious life in Northern and Western Europe. People began to criticize many church practices.
I. Causes of the Reformation 1. The Renaissance emphasis on the individual challenged ___________. 2. The Printing press spread ideas. 3. Germany was divided so it was difficult to impose a central authority. 4. Northern merchants resented paying _______ to ________.
Problems caused a movement for reform: 1. Problems with the Catholic Church People claimed that the leaders of the church were _______. Some Popes admitted to spending money on _______ or even having ________. Some priests could barely _______ so it was impossible for them to teach. Other priests broke vows by marrying, gambling, or drinking. 2. Early Calls for Reform People wanted higher standards of conduct for priests.
II. Luther Challenges the Church 1. Martin Luther He taught scripture for most of his life. 1517- Indulgences – 2. The 95 Theses Oct. 31, 1517 – A printer took Luther’s words, made copies, and soon they were spread – Luther’s actions started the Reformation. His teachings rested on 3 main ideas: A. B. C.
III. The Response to Luther Luther was surprised at how fast his ideas spread. 1. The Pope’s Threat The Pope saw Luther as a radical and a threat to the Church 1520- Pope Leo X issued a decree that said – Luther’s students responded by – Luther was eventually _________. 2. The Emperors Opposition Holy Roman Emperor Charles V summoned Luther to trial and told him to ___________ and Luther _______. Charles V issued the Edict of Worms – Some of Luthers reforms were being practiced like: Priests dressing in ordinary clothes and services were held in German not Latin. These people became Lutherans.
3. Germany at War Germany was divided into many small provinces with a ______ in charge of each one. 1529 – Princes who remained loyal to the pope joined forces against the followers of Luther. {Catholics} The Princes who supported Luther protested the Catholic Church and became known as Protestants. The Princes who supported the Pope won the war but they could not force people to be Catholic. The Holy Roman Emperor ordered that all Princes meet in Augsburg in 1555 and they wrote the Peace of Augsburg –
IV. England becomes Protestant 1. Henry VIII Wants a Son Henry was a devout Catholic and needed a son to be – His wife Catherine of Aragon had one daughter.{Mary} 1527 – His wife was 42 and he wanted to divorce her but the Catholic Church did not allow divorce. He then asked the pope to _______ his marriage and the pope said _____ because Catherine’s nephew was a powerful ruler. 2. The Reformation Parliament 1529 – 1533 – 1534 – Act of Supremacy –
3. Consequences of Henry’s Changes Anne Boleyn gave him a daughter and eventually imprisoned and beheaded her. He married four more times and eventually had a son named Edward. 1547 Henry VIII died and each of his kids had a chance to rule. Edward VI ruled and the Protestants gained power. Mary ruled next. She was Edward’s half sister and the daughter of Catherine,{first wife} she was catholic and had many Protestants killed. Elizabeth, Anne Boleyn’s daughter, was next and she was Protestant.
4. Elizabeth Restores Protestantism 1558 – She set up the Church of England or Anglican Church. Everyone had to go to church or they would be fined. She tried to take a little of both Religions. For the Protestants she said Priests could marry and sermons would be in English. For the Catholics she said –
Henry's Wifes Starts with Catherine a move s clockwise.
5. The Spanish Armada Elizabeth faced an invasion from the Catholic King of Spain (PhilipII) because – 1588 – July 29 – Elizabeth was constantly short of money.