Mrs. Deller Language Arts
Reading: -Twice per week (sometimes more depending on the week) at the beginning of the hour -Five-to-ten minute intervals, gradually increased to a twenty-minute interval Writing: -Reading your SSR+ book is always followed with recordkeeping and writing in your metacognitive log Talking: -Talking about your SSR+ books will happen through informal classroom book talk and more formal book projects SSR + as a Regular Routine
Fluency: the number of pages you read at a sitting Stamina: the amount of time you stay focused on reading Agency: your willingness to try different kinds of books Why Do SSR+? Setting Goals
It must be a book It must have more words than pictures It must be something you are interested in It must be something your parents would allow you to read, if asked It must not be a book you are reading for another class Requirements for SSR+ Book
If you leave your book at home, choose another one from the shelf for the day Get started reading your SSR+ book by the time the bell rings Stay in your seat so others aren’t distracted Do not do homework Do not talk Do your best to read for the whole time Write in your SSR+ metacognitive log when we finish reading Set goals for yourself and reflect on how you are meeting them at the end of each week/month/book All information, slides 2-5, taken from Reading for Understanding, 2 nd ed. Schoenbach, Greenleaf, and Murphy SSR+ Norms
1. Reading is rewarding. 2. Reading builds a mature vocabulary. 3. Reading makes you a better writer. 4. Reading is hard, and "hard" is necessary. 5. Reading makes you smarter. 6. Reading prepares you for the world of work. 7. Reading well is financially rewarding. 8. Reading opens the door to college and beyond. 9. Reading arms you against oppression. Deeper Reading: Comprehending Challenging Text: 4-12, Kelly Gallagher Top 9 Reasons to Read