1 FC Regiatration 2010
2 Transcript/GPA Review the copy of your high school transcript!Review the copy of your high school transcript! Check transcript for errors, omissionsCheck transcript for errors, omissions Look for double creditsLook for double credits Check Academic Credits English, World Languages, Math, Social Studies Science – Biology or above
3 ISTEP + Two AreasTwo Areas –English –Math Must pass minimum requirementsMust pass minimum requirements Tests through 9 th grade skillsTests through 9 th grade skills Fall, Sophomore YearFall, Sophomore Year Retakes:Retakes: –Junior: Fall/Spring –Senior: Fall/Spring
4 Summer School All classes will take place at Highland Hills Middle School (tentative)All classes will take place at Highland Hills Middle School (tentative) Dates (tentative)Dates (tentative) –Session I: June 7-July 1 st (8-noon) –Session II: July 6-July 30 (8-noon) Attendance is importantAttendance is important –A student can only miss 8 hours –MORE INFO AFTER SPRING BREAK
5 SCHOOL - TO - CAREER JOB CLUSTERS SCHOOL - TO - CAREER JOB CLUSTERS –Business Management and Administration –Science Technology, Engineering & Mathematics –Information Technology –Computer Science –Manufacturing –Health Science –Arts, AV Technology & Communication –Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security –Education and Training –Finance State Standards require you to pick a cluster. Read pages 8-12 of Decisions. Have you taken classes to help you pursue your chosen career?
6 AP Classes Decisions Book page 5 An application is required for each AP class.An application is required for each AP class. –English Comp AP –Chemistry AP –US History AP –Computer Programming AP –Music Theory AP –Calculus AP –Biology AP—offered every other year –Psychology AP –US Government AP –European History AP –English Literature AP (Juniors and Seniors)
7 Required reading ALL English classes will have required summer reading.ALL English classes will have required summer reading. Assessments will all be the same regardless of teacher.Assessments will all be the same regardless of teacher. AP/Honors courses will have work that is to be done during the summertime.AP/Honors courses will have work that is to be done during the summertime.
8 Applications are required for these classes as well: Cadet TeachingCadet Teaching Journalism/YearbookJournalism/Yearbook
9 Earn College Credit in High School Decisions Book page 5 Dual Credit CoursesDual Credit Courses –Astronomy –Computer Programming AP –English Comp AP –US Gov’t AP –Pre Calculus –Spanish III, IV –Geology –Cadet Teaching (2 periods all year) –Earth Space Science 2 –Biology AP ***PLTW-5 classes will be dual credit in the near future
10 Diploma Tracks/Opting Out Diploma tracks…DECISIONS pg. 2Diploma tracks…DECISIONS pg. 2 A student may opt out of the Core 40 diploma with parental permission. A conference with the student, parent, and counselor is required.A student may opt out of the Core 40 diploma with parental permission. A conference with the student, parent, and counselor is required.
11 Core 40 with Technical Honors 47 credits Decisions Book page 2 Only way you can earn technical honors in 2011 is through Prosser or PLTW.Only way you can earn technical honors in 2011 is through Prosser or PLTW.
12 REMINDER!!!!!!!!! IF you choose 7 classes, you can drop a class WITHOUT penalty up through the 11 th week of school!IF you choose 7 classes, you can drop a class WITHOUT penalty up through the 11 th week of school! Schedule requests will be distributed in April.Schedule requests will be distributed in April. Schedules will be mailed in July.Schedules will be mailed in July.
13 Summer School All classes will take place at Highland Hills Middle School (tentative)All classes will take place at Highland Hills Middle School (tentative) Dates (tentative)Dates (tentative) –Session I: June 7-July 1 st (8-noon) –Session II: July 6-July 30 (8-noon) Attendance is importantAttendance is important –A student can only miss 8 hours
14 PLTW: Project Lead The Way Decisions Book page 26 Prepares students for EngineeringPrepares students for Engineering All five classes will be dual credit courses in the near futureAll five classes will be dual credit courses in the near future
15 Prosser School of Technology 28 Technical Areas of study28 Technical Areas of study Programs offer “jump start” to career through state and national certificationsPrograms offer “jump start” to career through state and national certifications Some programs award college creditSome programs award college credit Courses are 1-2 years in lengthCourses are 1-2 years in length DECISIONS PAGES 34-38DECISIONS PAGES Juniors and Seniors may participateJuniors and Seniors may participate Two years satisfies Technical Honors Diploma requirementTwo years satisfies Technical Honors Diploma requirement
16 College admissions Indiana University has already approved new standards for students seeking admission in Students will need to have at least seven math credits -- including pre- calculus, calculus or trigonometry (Algebra II) -- plus at least two years of a foreign language.Indiana University has already approved new standards for students seeking admission in Students will need to have at least seven math credits -- including pre- calculus, calculus or trigonometry (Algebra II) -- plus at least two years of a foreign language. Purdue University is considering whether to join Indiana University in raising admission requirements so high that students earning basic high school diplomas in Indiana wouldn't be accepted.Purdue University is considering whether to join Indiana University in raising admission requirements so high that students earning basic high school diplomas in Indiana wouldn't be accepted. Purdue and IU both highly encourage all students to earn Academic Honors Diplomas or at least take 4 years of math as well as 2 years of a foreign language.Purdue and IU both highly encourage all students to earn Academic Honors Diplomas or at least take 4 years of math as well as 2 years of a foreign language.
17 Minimum Standards For College Admission 28 academic credits At least average SAT score— Balanced academic program Class rank 2 years of foreign language may be required for admission and awarding college degrees. Use the internet Contact Admissions Offices