Scientific Research Landscape NCP Activity Overview Health NCP Russia Horizon 2020 Medical Scientific and Educational Centre Lomonosov Moscow State University Scientific Research Landscape NCP Activity Overview
Health NCP Russia Established in February 2007 FP7 new-comer Based in the Medical Scientific and Educational Centre, MSU Headed by Prof. Vsevolod A. Tkachuk
Regional Health NCP (Tomsk) Siberian State Medical University Agreement signed in October 2009 Responsibilities: Dissemination of information about FP Health Research in Siberian and Far East Regions
National Contact Point “Health” Responsibilities: Dissemination of information about FP Horizon 2020 in scientific and technological organizations throughout Russia Organization of events (information days, round tables, international workshops, training sessions) Aims: Database of potential participating Russian scientific organizations and SMEs Support and maintenance of Russian scientific organizations Active search for potential foreign partners
Information Events Info-days: Aim: International Workshops: Instruct participants about the rules and principles of FP Horizon 2020 Potential participants include representatives of Russian scientific organizations, higher education centers, SMEs International Workshops: 03 December 2014, Moscow 04 March 2015, Moscow Joint EU-Russia priority setting Potential participants include leading EU-Russia experts in Health Research
EU-Russia Joint Priorities in Health Research ADAMS - Genomic variations underlying common behavior diseases and cognition trait in human populations Genetic Research Heart Failure Research Systems Biology Proteomics Future priorities: Cancer Research Neurobiology SICA-HF Studies Investigating Co-morbidities Aggravating Heart Failure PATHOSYS - New Algorithms for Host Pathogen Systems Biology HIgh Speed PRoteomics Analysis (Prot-HiSPRA) - Solving the bottlenecks of proteomics technologies for time sensitive proteome driven medical decisions
Overview of Russian organizations that have an experience in FP Health Research Institute for Systems Biology Institute of Internal Medicine RAMS Biological Faculty, MSU Institute of General Genetics RAS Institute of Medical Genetics RAMS National Research Center of Mental Health RAMS Institute of Molecular Biology RAS Institute of Biochemistry and Genetics RAS Institute of Cardiology RAMS Russian Cardiology Research and Production Complex Faculty of Basic Medicine, MSU Institute of Virology RAMS Central Tuberculosis Research Institute RAMS Institute of Biomedical Chemistry RAS Pertozavodsk State University Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry RAS
Contacts: Health NCP, Lomonosov Moscow State University Address: 119992, Lomonosovsky prospect 27, building 10 E-mail: Website:
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