The University of Ontario Yuri Boykov Research Interests n Computer Vision n Medical Image Analysis n Graphics Combinatorial optimization algorithms Geometric, probabilistic, information theoretic, and physics based models.
The University of Ontario Geometric methods, combinatorial algorithms Segmentation
The University of Ontario Geometric methods, combinatorial algorithms Motion beating heart
The University of Ontario Geometric methods, combinatorial algorithms Multi-view shape reconstruction 3D model multi-view reconstruction set up Furukawa&Ponce ECCV’06
The University of Ontario Geometric methods, combinatorial algorithms Multi-view shape reconstruction 3D model multi-view reconstruction set up Furukawa&Ponce ECCV’06 (texture mapped)
The University of Ontario Geometric methods, combinatorial algorithms Surface fitting a cloud of 3D points (e.g. from a laser scanner) 3D model : surface fitting :
The University of Ontario Geometric methods, combinatorial algorithms Texture synthesis
The University of Ontario Geometric methods, combinatorial algorithms model fitting “left eye” image “right eye” image
The University of Ontario Geometric methods, combinatorial algorithms model fitting “left eye” image “right eye” image fitted planes
The University of Ontario Graduate courses n 9587: Algorithms for Image Analysis (fall) optimization algorithms in computer vision and medical imaging n 9837: Computer Vision for Graphics (winter) graduate seminar research papers from SIGGRAPH, ICCV, ECCV,CVPR
The University of Ontario Research (on a technical side) n Fast inference algorithms for Markov Random Fields n Global optimization in infinite-dimensional spaces (functions /surfaces) n Discrete metric spaces n Efficient combinatorial algorithms n...
The University of Ontario Collaborations n University of Bonn, Germany n University College London, UK n Lund University, Sweden n Oxford Brooks University, UK n Moscow State University, Russia n Ecole Nationale de Pont et Chaussese, Paris, France n Microsoft Research, Cambridge, UK n Siemens Research, Princeton, USA