THE OVERALL FRAMEWORK OF TURKISH FOREIGN POLICY * I)Basic Factors Influencing Turkish Foreign Policy The cultural, Historical, Strategic and Domestic Dimensions II) The Military, Political and Economic Background of Turkish Foreign Policy A) Turkey as a Strategic Medium Power (SMP) 1) Concepts of Hegemonic Power, Minor Power and SMP 2) The Elements of an SMP 3) Why does Turkey Belong in the Medium Power Category? B) The Security Factor of Turkish Foreign Policy The Military, Economic and Political-Social Circles D) The Political Economy of Turkish Foreign Policy Economic Models of Turkey from 1923 to the Present * Source: Baskın Oran (ed.), Turkish Foreign Policy (1919-2006): Facts and Analyses with Documents, translated by Mustafa Akşin, Salt Lake City, The University of Utah Press, 2010.
THE OVERALL FRAMEWORK OF TURKISH FOREIGN POLICY III) The Guiding Principles of Turkish Foreign Policy A) Maintenance of the Status Quo 1) Preserving Existing Frontiers 2) Preserving Existing Balance B) Modernization Methods and Aims
TURKISH FOREIGN POLICY BETWEEN 1919 AND 1923: THE TIME OF LIBERATION I) The International Environment and Dynamics Important International Developments and Internal Affairs/Problems of Major Powers II) The Domestic Environment and Dynamics Political, Economic and Social Structure of Anatolia III) The Foreign Policy of the Ankara Government A) The Peace Treaty of Sèvres and its Regulations B) Relations with the West 1) Relations with Great Britain 2) Relations with France 3) Relations with other Western States
TURKISH FOREIGN POLICY BETWEEN 1919 AND 1923: THE TIME OF LIBERATION C) Relations with the Soviet Union i) Reasons of the Friendly Relations ii) Development of the Bilateral Relations and the Moscow Treaty of 1921 D) Relations with Greece 1) Greece’s Foreign Policy and the Megali Idea 2) The Turkish-Greek War in Anatolia (1919-1922)
THE PEACE TREATY OF LAUSANNE 1) Lausanne Peace Conference Importance of the Conference The Participating States and their Positions Turkish Delegation’s Position Main Debates at the Conference 2) Lausanne Peace Treaty Political Clauses Frontiers Protection of Minorities Importance of Lausanne Peace Treaty and Main Differences Between Lausanne and Sèvres Peace Treaty 3) Other Main Documents Accepted at the Conference The Convention Concerning the Exchange of Populations The Straits Convention
TURKISH FOREIGN POLICY BETWEEN 1923 AND 1939 I) The International Environment and Dynamics II) The Domestic Environment and Dynamics Political, Economic and Social Developments in Turkey III) Foreign Policy A) Relations with Western European Countries 1)Relations with Great Briatin a) The Question of Mosol b) Other Developments 2) Relations with France The Question of Hatay
TURKISH FOREIGN POLICY BETWEEN 1923 AND 1939 3) Relations with Italy “Revisionism against Status Quo” 4) Relations with Germany a) The Weimar Period (1923-1933) b) The Nazi Period (1933-1939) b) Relations with the USSR The Treaty of Friendship and Neutrality of 1925 Other Documents
TURKISH FOREIGN POLICY BETWEEN 1923 AND 1939 c) Relations with Greece Main Problems Between Greece and Turkey Islands of the Northern Agean Sea The Exchange of Populations The Question of the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Phanar 1930 Agreements and the Period of Friendship d) Relations with the Middle East Iran and the Sadabad Pact e) Turkish Straits and the Montreux Straits Convention
TURKISH FOREIGN POLICY BETWEEN 1939 AND 1945 1) The International Environment and Dynamics 2) The Domestic Environment and Dynamics Political, Economic and Social Structure of Turkey 3) World War Two and Turkish Foreign Policy