Baltimore Polytechnic Institute Honors World History Mr. Green
The students will describe post WWI in Europe by summarizing the impact of inflation, depression, and democracy. Announcement: There were be a bi-weekly World History Review Session today in Mr. Gregg’s Room. Test on Friday, February 18, 2011 Warm-up: 1. List the new countries formed after WWI by comparing the maps on pages 527 and Where is the Ruhr Valley in relationship to France? Why was it important?
Uneasy Peace, uncertain Security New boundaries and new states created after the Treaty of Versailles Border disputes in eastern Europe A weak League of Nations U.S. did not join the league Member nations did not use force to stop aggression French demands France demanded reparations from Germany Germany owed $33 billion dollars Germany made 1 payment then said it could not pay France sent troops to the Ruhr Valley Ruhr Valley-Germany’s chief industrial and mining center
Inflation in Germany Germany printed more money and their currency (mark) became worthless U.S. helped with the Dawes Plan reduce reparations to what Germany could pay $200 million loan to Germany from U.S. Treaty of Locarno Guaranteed Germany’s border with France/Belgium Helped bring new era of peace Kellogg-Briand Pact-renounced war, signed by 61 countries-August 27, 1928
Depression-period of low economic activity and rising unemployment Causes of the Depression Downturns in economies of individual countries in the 1920s farm prices fell International financial crisis involving U.S. stock market European banks became weak
Responses to the Depression Unemployed and homeless filled the streets of Germany and Britain Governments lowered wages/raised tariffs Increased government activity in the economy Renewed interest in Marxist ideas Rise of dictators with simple solutions to the economic depression
Germany Weimar Republic High inflation Small period of prosperity Great Depression France Felt depression later, 1932 to 1933 Gave rise to radical left parties Collective bargaining Great Britain United States
1. Summarize the causes of the Great Depression.
Call on individual students with questions from the lesson
Read Section 2, pages and be prepared for a 5 Question Quiz over the reading.