Adult Advertising Techniques
Advertisers have many methods that they use to “hook” their target demographic For the most part, these ads are not selling a product, but a whole lifestyle to go with it.
BANDWAGON “Join the crowd!” The idea that everyone is doing/ buying something and that YOU will be left out if you don’t. LBqrQ&list=PL4816FEFC2445B66A LBqrQ&list=PL4816FEFC2445B66A ZYTrg ZYTrg
TESTIMONIAL A famous person (sports/ entertainment) claims the product is good and fully supports it. Often– for adults to buy into this, the celebrity has to be in their age/ gender demographic. UYWCU UYWCU ivI0 ivI0
IMAGE ADVERTISING Here a product is associated with certain people, places, activities. The implied message here is that with this product comes wealth, attractiveness and happiness. 6QLd5Q 6QLd5Q x1MqT1M x1MqT1M
WEASEL WORDS By law, advertisers have to tell the truth, but sometimes they can use words to mislead viewers. Often in commercials or ads, they use words like “part of…the taste of real…usually helps…natural…new…because we care”
OMISSION When advertisers do not give you the full story about their product. Some facts are omitted to sell the product. For example, “part of a well- balanced diet…” is not always the truth for a product like Pop tarts. U U
REPETITION Advertisers hope that if you see a product, or hear its name over again, you will be more likely to buy it. They sometimes will repeat the same commercial over again to get the message across. RveNE RveNE 2AJUEY 2AJUEY
FAMILY FUN A family brings a family together or helps them bond as a family. 8DPXI 8DPXI TPffQc TPffQc
SCALE When advertisers make the product look bigger or smaller than it actually is. dscreen&v=lJyEa5cxMpY&NR=1 dscreen&v=lJyEa5cxMpY&NR=1 J5Ow J5Ow
FACTS AND FIGURES When advertisers use facts and stats to help sell a product. This is supposed to increase product credibility. aEXu4&list=PLE8529C5FE59548D0 aEXu4&list=PLE8529C5FE59548D0 8LTmbw 8LTmbw
NAME CALLING Making a product seem better by using unflattering words to describe the competition. OLyY OLyY GiheOM GiheOM