H OW TO USE THE WIKI (1/5) Team 1 = Wednesday 8-10h Team 2 = Wednesday 10-12h 3
H OW TO USE THE WIKI (2/5) Select the Project by clicking on your team 4
H OW TO USE THE WIKI (3/5) To add your text, click on the edit button 5
H OW TO USE THE WIKI (4/5) Use the toolbar to add or edit text, to add comments/links/files 6
H OW TO USE THE WIKI (5/5) Always save your work! 7
P ROJECT 1 « Mariage gay: non à la colusion de la haine » 8
L ET ’ S READ YOUR COLLABORATIVE TEXT Refer to project 1 on the wiki to see what your class came up with! All your corrections will be posted on the wiki this afternoon You will always have a corrected text on the wiki 9
S YNTAX, S PELLING & P UNCTUATION See “Accompanying Notes & Exercises” Home page of wiki 11
O VERVIEW – READING TEXTS What is reading? How do you read? Various reading techniques Who is your reader? Text structure Semantics, syntax & punctuation 12
H OW DO WE READ ? THE PHAOMNNEAL PWEOR OF THE HMUAN MNID Aoccdrnig to rseearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in what oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? Now I'm tinkihng aobut all the tmie I wtsead in sochol lrenanig how to slpel. 13
R EADING TECHNIQUES Scanning a text Skimming a text (speed reading) Scrutinising a text (reading thoroughly) Who is your reader? Primary audience Secondary audience Assumptions about knowledge, language ability, preferences, etc. Questions of acceptability 14
T EXT STRUCTURE (1/2) External structural concepts: Text Context Subtext Consider the following idioms: Read someone like a book Read between the lines Read the small/fine print Read the writing on the wall Read someone out of something 15
T EXT STRUCTURE (2/2) Internal structural concepts: Introduction Body (of text) Conclusion Paragraph Sentence Clause Word (morpheme) Letter Punctuation marks 16
G RAMMATICAL RULES Internal structural concepts: Syntax Grammar Word order Punctuation Spelling Consider the following sentence: Colourless green ideas sleep furiously. Punctuate the following sentence: woman without her man is nothing 17
S EMANTICS Woman: without her, man is nothing. OR Woman, without her man, is nothing. 18
P UNCTUATION (1/2) Punctuate the following sentences: chris did not see how he could organize write and proofread this paper in only two hours glamour the women's fashion magazine recently incorporated with charm another fashion journal having finished the test he left the room I am going home I intend to stay there I appreciate your hard work however you seem to have over- exerted yourself I had to complete the assignment by Friday otherwise I would have failed the course 19
P UNCTUATION (2/2) if the opposition should win our candidate would never have any political future jack worked overtime to pay off his education debts at least that was his explanation for his long hours wasn’t it joan who does not usually tell anyone what she feels said she didn't want to go to the dance johnson’s prescription for the economy lower interest rates higher employment and less government spending was rejected by the president’s administration judge carswell later to be nominated for the supreme court had ruled against civil rights For more, see Accompanying Notes & Exercises on Wiki 20
F OR NEXT WEEK … Look at Project 2 Let’s discuss: what’s this text about? Use the wiki to make your translation Who does what? 21 LANG-H-300 English III