What’s new in SPOCC 10 LEAD OFFICERS’ MEETING 2012
New in SPOCC 10 Dashboard Customisable PI workbook templates Service Review document management Move Client Schedules as schedulable task Custom fields De-activate Contacts Broadcasting information to Providers
New in SPOCC.Net 10 Update SPOCC directly Improved usability when stopping CSS and starting another QAF specific area Changes to Public search
Dashboard Made up of configurable ‘widgets’ SPOCC Statistics Notifications Payments Performance Indicator Overview Outcomes Overview SPOCC.Net Requests ‘Widgets’ dependent on user permissions
PI workbook management Custom workbook supports multiple LPI / RPI Create bespoke ‘New’ workbooks Templates can be copied and modified Templates can be de-activated
Service Review Documents Tab Managed as with Contracts Uploads only Requires ‘Service Review Document Type’ dictionary entry
Move Client Schedules as schedulable task The move operation can now be scheduled for a selected date / time Specific schedules that are to move can be selected
Custom Fields New Custom Fields added via Dictionary Items with existing content in previous versions will have been transferred Client custom fields have their own tab Available and identifiable in Ad Hoc reports – the Name is the column heading
Changes to Copy functionality Contract can be copied when copying a Service Options to select new Contract Start Date and Reference for copied contract
Security New permission for Notes, Actions, Documents & Telephone Calls Either ‘Manage’ or ‘None’ Enables users to add Notes etc in areas where they only have permission to ‘View’
Enhancements to Notes and Actions Services, Clients, Organisations, etc now have Note and Action icons in their title bar Notes and Actions can now be flagged as “important” highlighted in red in note/action search windows highlighting the icons mentioned above
Broadcasting information to Providers via SPOCC.Net Send messages to Providers’ SPOCC.Net homepage Compose a message, set the date at which the message will be displayed The message can have different types of recipients: All providers Selected providers Selected contacts
New in SPOCC.Net Changes to public facing view Search results can be sorted Unit type displayed Availability information improved
Users can update SPOCC directly User access can now specify ‘Suggest changes’ or allow user to ‘Update directly’ Applies to a Client’s personal details only Changes to CSS still require SP approval
Rescheduling Client Schedules Providers can now quickly and easily reschedule a Client Enter the change-over date, and choose new service and level Generates two requests, one ending the schedule and another requesting a new CSS
New QAF specific area Removed from the Service area
Preview public view Providers can preview the public view of their service when managing its details
Any questions? WHAT’S NEW IN SPOCC 10