The Voluntary Framework of Accountability for community colleges, by community colleges
New User Overview: A tour of the data tools and resources We will cover My VFA and account access Data entry tools and data collection Data dashboards, exports and reports Resources for doing data entry Q & A Questions? Feedback:
VFA Reporting Timeframes and Cohorts Six Year Two Year Reporting Timeframes Cohort Types Main Cohort Credential Seeking Cohort First Time In College Cohort Measures: SPO Six-Year Outcomes Two-Year Progress Developmental Education Progress
VFA Reporting Timeframes and Cohorts, cont. Career & Technical Education Measures Adult Basic Education Measures CTE Cohort ABE Cohort
VFA Account Access All faculty & staff at your college can view your VFA data. All faculty & staff at your college can view your VFA data. Must first create a username and password as a New User.
VFA Data Input
Raw Data Files Upload
Data Online Forms Real-time Error Checks
Outcomes Dashboard: Developmental Education
Benchmarking Dashboard: Selectors
Benchmarking Dashboard: Peer Colleges
Benchmarking Dashboard: Six-Year Outcomes
VFA Excel Exports & PDF Reports
Data Input / Calculating Metrics VFA Metrics ManualVFA Metrics Manual VFA Raw Data DictionaryVFA Raw Data Dictionary VFA Bulk Upload InstructionsVFA Bulk Upload Instructions Navigating the VFA Data Tools VFA Data Help CenterVFA Data Help Center VFA User GuideVFA User Guide Other Resources VFA User CommunityVFA User Community VFA FAQsVFA FAQs Resources
Questions? Comments? VFA Cohorts & Measures Webinar Contact Us: Thank you for joining us today.