Proxima Cenaturi Ayla DeGuzis Mrs. Lower May 23, 2012
Characteristics Very tiny, dwarf star Red Flared
Characteristics Very bright High magnetic force field
Location 247,925 trillion miles away from Earth Located in the Milky Way Galaxy
Location Star closest to Earth 4.2 light years away
Size/Temperature/Brightness.006% of the Sun's brightness 10% of the Earth's mass
Size/Temperature/Brightness 3,000 degrees farenheit More than 85% of it's radiated power produced by light
Fun Facts! Discovered in 1915 by scientist Robert Innes Proxima is a Latin word meaning “near” or “nearest to”
Fun Facts! Part of the Triple Star System (third member) So small scientists can't estimate the measure Located in the constellation Centaurus
Reflection I have enjoyed my research on Proxima Centauri, one of the many stars in our solar system. I thought it was a very interesting topic to learn about because I never would of thought that it had that much imformation that was so useful. I think sciencetists will continue research on this star because it is one of the most important stars being the closest to Earth and many other planets.