MMU 10 December 2008 Dr Gee Macrory
BA (Hons) Primary Education: - All year 2 39 hours SK & methodology - Year 3 and 4 options 50 hours - Proposed Specialism through yrs 3 & 4
50 premium funded places Proposal to involve undergraduates - 30 postgraduate - 20 undergraduate - Pilot this year – 10 places in Spain
Current PG Cert in MFL : unit entitled ‘Teaching Primary Languages’ Other units in preparation – including that based on CTLI/CLIL MA planned
Primary CLIL School linking project German upskilling New routes / Asset languages Mentor development (incl reciprocal assessment) CTLI/TELLP German VC project COLT
Gee Macrory (Head of Centre for Languages and English in IOE) Joanne Mimnagh (PG MFL co-ordinator; PG Primary Ger; UG primary MFL co-ordinator) Sarah Lister (UG, CPD +PG Primary French) Pura Ariza (UG, PG Primary exchange co- ordinator, Primary PG Spanish) Cathy Brady (UG,PG Primary French)