Power Point Presentation Your Small Business
Business Description Name Producer, Intermediary, or Service Business? Brief Explanation of what you will do for your customers, what you will be selling.
Mission Statement Develop a mission statement for your business that explains the reason your business exists and what you want to achieve.
Goal setting Set one goal that is a precise statement of the results you expect to achieve. Set 3 smaller goals that are more specific in what you want to achieve in the first 5 years of business.
Policies & Procedures Set the guidelines you will use in making consistent decisions. Make at least 3 policies (search online for hints and examples) Describe the way work is to be done at your business. Create at least 3 procedures for your employees.
Organization Chart Business Organization Chart (see pg. 117) Create an organization chart (insert, picture, organization chart) Show how your business chain of command will work.
Organization Structure Explain if you will have a functional or matrix structure. (This may all depend on the number of employees)