Quality Management Definitions/Scope of Quality Tools – For Process/Quality Improvement ISO 9000
Definition of “Quality” What is Quality? Quality of Design What are the Specifications? Quality of Conformance Meet Specifications?
Hank Kolb What are the causes of the quality problems on the Greasex Line? Why was Hank hired? Is Morganthal really serious about stressing quality? What should be the responsibility of the Quality Department for Greasex? What should Hank do? Should Wayne Simmons be fired?
Fishbone diagram for Hank Kolb Cost-reduction Priorities Equipment Personnel Lack of Maintenance Lack of Training Selection Fill Heads Inappropriate Modification Schedule Demands Greasex Defects Material Procedure Burred Nozzle Heads Vendor Specifications Untested Can Design Releasing Pressure Cost-Reduction Priorities Overfilling Lack of Process Control
Hank Kolb Case This is a “Quality” Problem, Not Quality’s Problem It is the Organization’s Problem Maintaining Quality actions speak louder than words red tag / hold until proven good focus resources on problems management must set goals initially. follow-up with good management study of problem but not just QC Dept! cultural shift - the entire plant.
“Process Improvement Project” Well Defined Goals Systematic, but simple tools Observe the process Fishbone and flow diagrams – document what is happening. Identify root causes Measures – (link to appraisals?) Pilot projects to test solutions (controlled experimentation) Reduction of “variation” – fundamental to a 6-sigma approach Implement then iterate back to 1. Involvement Teams (with needed experts) All levels of employees involved
Process Capability Specification Width Actual “Process Width” A Simple Ratio: Specification Width _________________________________________________________ Actual “Process Width” Generally, the bigger the better.
This is a “one-sided” Capability Index Process Capability This is a “one-sided” Capability Index Concentration on the side which is closest to the specification - closest to being “bad”
Can Pressure Capability (Hank Kolb Addition) Two-sided Specification Upper Spec = 65 psi Lower Spec = 55 psi Observed Pressures Mean = 60 psi Std Dev = 1 psi
Capability Improvements? Decrease Variation Center Process Increase Specifications
Motorola’s “Six Sigma” Should have Cpk 2 6s minimum from process center to nearest spec
Motorola’s “Six Sigma” Implies 2 ppB “bad” with no process shift With 1.5s shift in either direction from center (process will move), implies 3.4 ppm “bad”.
Taguchi’s View of Variation Incremental Cost of Variability High Zero Lower Spec Target Upper Traditional View Incremental Cost of Variability High Zero Lower Spec Target Upper Taguchi’s View
Quality Control Statistics (SPC) use the data you have estimate distributions look at capability - is good quality possible
Sample Cpk problem: TN7, Problem 2
--process not centered. TN7, Problem 2 – continued --process not centered. If the process were centered the Cpk would be: (1.01-1)/3(.003) = 1.1111… This would be much better. (1.01-1)/(.003) = 3.333…. Standard Deviations Implies a probability of producing a defect of .000858 (858 defects per million) =(1-NORMSDIST(3.333))*2 .99 1.01 1.0 1.002
Statistical Process Control X-bar and R-Charts SPC Demonstration Capability SPC simulation
TN7, Problem 6
ISO 9000 Set of Standards Planning - Control - Documentation History: US Department of Defense - MIL standards British Standards Institute - adapts US Mil and adopts in 1950 International Organization for Standardization - adopts British standards in 1987 ISO 9000 In the EC, over 50,000 firms certified (old data) In the US, Corporate signs: “Certified”
QUALITY MANAGEMENT SSP Fittings Corp Through our ISO 9001 certified quality management system, all aspects of design, production, and testing are documented and certified for our distribution partners and customers.
ISO 9000 (cont) Costs - $200K to $500K (???) ISO 9000 Overview of standards 9001 QA in Design/Development, Production, Installation, and Service 9002 QA in Production and Installation 9003 QA for Final Inspection and Test 9004 Guidelines for implementing 9001-9003 QS 9000 - Automotive Industry ISO 14000 - Environmental
Three Forms of ISO Certification First party: A firm audits itself against ISO 9000 standards. Second party: A customer audits its supplier. Third party: A "qualified" national or international standards or certifying agency serves as auditor. Website: http://www.iso.ch/ 22
Quality Management Review Hank Kolb – Scope of the problem Quality Specs / Costs - Tolerances Capability Control Charts/Sampling Quality Tools ISO 9000 4