Health Communications Unit B
Root Words Albin- White Aden- Gland Angio- Blood Vessel Arterio- Artery Arthro- Joint Blepharo- Eyelid Bucca- Cheek Carcin- Cancer Cardio- Heart Cephal- Head Cervic- Nech Cheil- Lip Chem- Drug Chole- Gall, bile Chrom- color Colo- Colon Costo- Ribs Cranio- Skull Cyan- blue Cysto- Bladder, sac
Root Words Cyte- Cell Derma- Skin Echo- Sound Embyr- Fertilized Ovum/ Embryo Entero- Intestine Epidemi- Among the people Erythro- Red Esophag- esophagus Gastro- stomach Genit- Related To Birth Gloss- tongue Hepat- Liver Holo- All Hom- Same, alike Hydro- Water Hygien- Healthful Hystero- Uterus Leuko- White Lingua- Tongue Lymph- Fluid
Root Words Mamm, mast- Breast Myelo- Bone Marrow Myo- Muscle Nephro, ren- Kidney Neuro- Nerve Odent- Tooth Ono- Tumor OO- Egg Oophar- Ovary Orch- Testis Osteo- Bone Oto- Ear Ovario- Ovary Ped, pod- Foot Pharynh- Pharynx Phleb- Vein Pneumo, plum- Lung Procto- Rectum Psych- Mind, soul Radio- Passing off rays
Root Words Rhin- Nose Salpingo- Tube Sept- Infection Soma- Body Splen- Spleen Stric- Narrowing Therm- Temperature Throac- Thorax, chest Trach- Trachea Viscera- Organ Vit- Life
Barriers To Communication There are many potential barriers to communication that must be recognized by those involved- especially those in supervisory positions.
Symbols or words that have different meanings. Some words mean different thing to people depending on background or culture. A large amount of terminology is used in the hospital and misunderstanding is often the cause of problems. An example would be a young radiologic technologist is unaware that supine abdomen x-rays were once called flat plate of the abdomen.
Different Values Within the Group Everyone has their own value system and many do not recognize the value of others. An example would be a Supervisor may speak with staff about penalties for being late to work. Some students may not value the need to be on time, and may not actively listen to what the supervisor is talking about.
Different perceptions of the problem Problems exist in all groups, organizations, and businesses. Problems differ depending on the individual’s perception of the problem.
Emphasis on status If people in power or higher superiority in the organization consistently remind others of their station, communication will be stifled. Students may hesitate to tell you problems or concerns if you overemphasize your superiority and appear threatening.
Conflict of interest People may be fearful of change or worried that the change will take away their advantage or invade their territory. This fear may cause people to block communication.
Lack of acceptance of differences in points of view, feelings values, or purposes. Be aware that people have different opinions, feelings, and values. People must be allowed to express feelings and points of view. Accepting input from others promotes growth and cooperation.
Feelings of personal insecurity Be aware that it is difficult for people to admit feelings of inadequacy. People will not offer information for fear that they may appear ignorant, or they may be defensive when criticized. This may cause difficulty when trying to work with these individuals.
Guidelines for Communicating with People with Disabilities. There are no strict rules or regulations regarding communicating with people who have disabilities. These guidelines are an attempt to help increase understanding and to clear up misconceptions.
Attitude Your Attitude Matters! One of the greatest barriers people with disabilities face is negative attitudes and perceptions of those with disabilities. Sometimes those attitudes are deep-rooted prejudices, based on ignorance and fear. Sometimes they are just unconscious misconceptions that result in impolite or thoughtless acts by otherwise well-meaning people. Negative attitudes from and obstacle to acceptance and full participation in society for people with disabilities.