Lake Myra Elementary Third Grade Read to Achieve, Curriculum, Homework and Expectations
Genres of Texts Fiction Books in a Series Informational Texts Mysteries Biographies Realistic Fiction Basic Reading Skills Literal and Inferential Questioning Recalling Main Ideas Examining Text Features Vocabulary Development: Suffixes, prefixes, words in context, multiple meaning words, synonyms, antonyms, homophones, homographs, compound words Reading
Read to Achieve Law states that all students should be proficient in reading by the end of third grade. Students will be monitored throughout the year to check their progress towards proficiency by taking 3 reading passages a week. Students can exempt out by meeting any good cause exemption.** demonstrates, through a student reading portfolio, reading proficiency appropriate for 3 rd -grade students demonstrates proficiency on Read to Achieve Test is a Limited English Proficient (LEP) student with fewer than two years of instruction in the ESL program has a disability and whose individualized education program (IEP) indicates (i) use of the NCEXTEND 1 alternate assessment, (ii) at least a two-school-year delay in educational performance or (iii) receipt of intensive reading interventions for at least two school years has (i) received reading intervention and (ii) previously been retained more than once in kindergarten or Grades 1 through 3 demonstrates reading proficiency appropriate for 3 rd -grade students on approved alternate assessments approved by the State Board of Education Students will receive intensive reading instruction inside the classroom. * If students are or become exempt they will continue receiving intensive instruction but will not longer take the weekly reading passages. If students do not demonstrate proficiency, they will be invited to a 4 week track out camp (2 weeks of 2 different track outs) beginning in the spring to receive specialized reading instruction.
3rd Grade Math Curriculum Addition and Subtraction up the1000’s Place Rounding Geometry - 2Dimensional Shapes Equalities and Inequalities Patterns Multiplication and Division Graphing Area and Perimeter Fractions o Comparisons o Equivalent o Fractional parts of a shape Measurement and Time Throughout the curriculum, students will reflect on how math helps us in everyday life.
Special Note to All Mathematicians It is important for all mathematicians to learn to recall basic math facts quickly. If they know the basic math facts, it allows them to focus more on problem solving by freeing up brain space. So, please spend sometime each day working on your math facts!
Homework ●Read 20 minutes every night ●Write in reading log ●Math Homework every night ●Occasional projects ●Homework Agendas/Binders ○Homework for the week will be sent home Mondays. ○Students can work to meet family schedules.
HOW TO IMPROVE QUALITY OF HOMEWORK RESPONSES TRC (Text Reading and Comprehension) example: Write a summary of the text. Include the main idea and three or more details. 0 score: Soccer is famous and soccer is played with eleven players each. 3 score: Soccer is one of the most popular sports in the world. The main idea is how to play soccer and some rules of soccer. One detail is one of the soccer rules which is nobody is allowed to touch the ball with their hands. The only ones are the goalies. The second detail is there are only 11 people on one team. The third detail soccer is only 90 minutes per game.