Advanced Mobility Working Group FY14/15 Plan
To promote collaboration between government and industry stakeholders in federal mobility with an emphasis on sharing best practices and producing deliverables in an agile manner to meet changing requirements AMWG Mission for 2014/15
Mobile Acquisitions Mobile Development APIs, Applications, Development, User Experience Mobile Infrastructure MDM, MAS, Connectivity, Security, Governance, Identity Management Sectors Law Enforcement, Intel, Defense, Health 2014/15 AMWG Task Areas
Mobile Acquisitions Govt: Dave Peters Industry: Kathleen Cowles Mobile Development Govt: Jeremy Wood Industry: Geary Brummel/ Mobile Infrastructure Govt: Walter Bigelow Industry: Mark Williams/Jeff Ward Sectors Govt: Ben Kim Industry: Betsey Hutton 2014/15 Task Leads
Mobility Acquisition’s Impact on the Bold Future of Government Advanced Mobility Working Group: Acquisition CONCEPT, 5/9/2014
Where does the government want to be in 2020 with mobile solutions and services and how can mobile acquisition support this goal? How do we design procurements that have consistent incentives, milestones, and review processes to encourage collaboration toward a mutual objective? We should think about: What business problems are we solving? What are the use cases we should begin with? How will organizations keep up with the insatiable demand for better mobile apps and features What will the supply chain of 2020 look like? In what ways will IT system management change? How will it align with a program management plan? What is the strategic funding strategy that is tied to programmatic and acquisition goals How will we use modular approach so that value can be assessed on a regular basis to secure additional funding? Bottom Line: How do we create today's mobile acquisitions to be flexible enough to address tomorrow's mobile solutions and services requirements? Concept is “Begin with the End in Mind – and ‘people first’. Think of the Toyota Truck commercials where the tree house and little league field are produced and the production is shown in reverse order with the drivers (kids with nothing to do shown last) Concept Description: Mobility Acquisition’s Impact on Delivering a Bold Future for Government
OLD PARADIGM 20 TH CENTURY CULTURE OF INFORMATION MANAGEMENT Project Definition & Direction Research Agenda Concept Development Development Process Don’t question. Deliver! Top down. Execution minded. Ideas & Technology First Then we consider how they apply to people Lot’s of Ideas Divergent thinking. Brainstorming. Suggestion boxes. Rapid Development Linear thinking Spec then build “Don’t show anyone until it’s right!” Failure is bad. Risk Averse Speed to market Problem Framing Make sure we’re solving the right problem. Putting People First Ideas and Technology are inspired by Empathy with customers/stakeholders Valuable Concepts Divergent and Convergent Thinking. Concepts are what we need a lot of. Rapid Iteration & Improvement Agile, Non-linear thinking Experiment “What can we prototype and test?” Fail early, small and often Informed risk taker Speed to market traction NEW PARADIGM 21 st CENTURY CULTURE OF INNOVATION MANAGEMENT
Description of Project ComponentType of Output Alignment w/ ACT/IAC PrioritiesTimeframe Concept Outline, Team identification, Participant Identification, and out put medium identification Outline, Team ID, ID of potential government participants (1)Establishes vision (2)Engages resources across government (3)ACT/IAC Testimony on es/default/files/ACT- IAC_testimony_on_ major_IT_acquisitio ns.pdf es/default/files/ACT- IAC_testimony_on_ major_IT_acquisitio ns.pdf May 30 Confirm resources, identify examples, content sources outline, confirmed participants May 30 Draft concept fully developed Draft contentJune 15 Mobility Acquisition’s Impact on the Bold Future of Government
In the beginning… Potential Questions / Outline End In Mind: What does mobile government look like in 2020? What are examples or use cases for our mobile future? How will we manage and deploy our future mobile devices, apps, and service plans? How will we buy mobile solutions and services and ensure security and manageability? How can acquisition contribute to the bold future of mobility in govt?
Dave Peters – Government Kathleen Cowles – Industry We need team mates to begin to flesh out and develop the scope and deliverables How and if we should integrate w/ ELC ‘Design Challenges’? Next Steps
Description of ProjectType of OutputAlignment w/ ACT/IAC Priorities Timeframe Team Meeting – in next 30 daysDiscuss 90 day goal(s); introduce Industry and Gov Chairs; discuss additional Gov Chair and solicit suggestions for the role; increase participation in Mobile App Team; discuss next major objective Facilitate communication and Promote public sector IT profession 30 days Mobile Development Task Area
Description of ProjectType of OutputAlignment w/ ACT/IAC Priorities Timeframe BYOD panel follow-up White Paper on best practices. Combining industry developed Best Practices into White Paper for Federal Government CIO’s. Align to agency goals. Correlate CIO’s to mission counterparts. Focus on Shared Services solutions for CIO council bi- annual assessments. Expected by end of May. Panel discussion on evolving BYOD practices/Progress update since successful widely attended January panel. Second in series of bi-annual BYOD panels to discuss technology and policy updates. Overcome barriers and recommend specific way forward. Align Governance to effective informed business decisions. Summer Specific date TBD. Mobile Infrastructure Task Area
Description of ProjectType of OutputAlignment w/ ACT/IAC Priorities Timeframe Conduct Outreach to Other Entities focused on Mobility within the Federal Government Aligning efforts with several other entities that are focused on adoption of digital strategy and ultimately mobile apps – 18F org in GSA, White House Digital Strategy group, We the People petition activities, etc Facilitate communication and Promote public sector IT profession 30 days
Programs Chair Lead: Stacy Brownstein Communications Chair Lead: Anita Vick Community Engagement Chair Lead: Lauren Stovall SIG Liaison Lead: Jay Hadley Supporting Chairs
Consolidate Committees Designate Industry and Government Chairs Each Committee Must Provide Outline plan for next 6 months (panel discussions, roundtables – must be interactive) Must be execution of one activity over next 6 months Application Fair Volunteers from AMWG to drive government participation, industry awareness and sponsorship MOC Panel discussion or breakout session? Organize face to face AMWG meeting? Officially review new roles in Leadership/Articulate expectations for the next 6 months Next 30 Days