Hugh Malyon
Health, education and social care should now be planning together for each disabled young person Outcome Opportunities should be tailored around young peoples’ goals and ambitions Help needs to be provided to find the opportunities, not just provide them No two young people are the same: they each need their own opportunities
Q1. how many people know what Torbay’s Local Offer is? Q2. how many of the Service Providers that you work for have completed their Local Offer? The Local Offer should be discussed, reviewed and agreed with young people
Feedback Positive and negative – on the spot as well as session No disability stops young people from participating in consultation Barriers stop young people from participating, not their disability Relative de%20Hear%20Us%20Out.pdf
Is a group of young people with a disability or extra support need. They meet fortnightly to give their opinions and ideas on services and facilities in Torbay for young people with disabilities or special educational needs... Contact details – Use them!