Week 5: Bible Study Method
Personal Bible study is methodical! Observation Interpretation – builds on Observation Application – builds on Interpretation
Observation What do I see? Explore! Asking who, what, where, when, why and wherefore Look for key words, key subjects, warnings, advice, commands, promises Look for connectives: but, if, for, therefore, in order that… Look for repeated phrases
Observation Exercise of Mark 4:35-41 Who: Jesus and the disciples What: What was happening? What did Jesus do? What did Jesus ask the disciples? What was the disciples’ reaction to what was happening? What was their reaction after Jesus calmed the sea? When: At night? Why: Why did Jesus do what he did? … asleep during storm, calm the storm
Observation Exercise of Matthew 6:33 Conjunction: “But….” Key Words: seek, kingdom, righteousness Command: seek first His kingdom… Promise: All these will be added to you…if we seek His kingdom first
Interpretation What does the verse/passage mean? Explain! By far the most difficult and time-consuming step Only one correct interpretation to any passage! Many gaps to bridge in order to arrive at correct interpretation
Cultural Grammatical Literary Language Gaps to be Bridged
Interpretative Exercise of Romans 12:1-2 Literary What type of genre of literature? Grammatical What is the context of these verses in relation to this chapter, to this book? What do “present”, “mercy”, “conform”, “transform” mean in Greek? Cultural What does animal sacrifice mean?
Application Importance of transformation of the heart! The passage can have many applications
Application How does it work for me? Is there an example to follow? Is there a sin to avoid? Is there a promise to claim? Is there a prayer to repeat? Is there a command to obey? Is there a condition to meet? Is there a verse to memorize? Is there a challenge to follow?