2 Idea of Integration after the 2. World War May 1950 Schuman Decleration by Jean Monnet and Robert Schuman 1951 Treaty of Paris established European Coal and Steel Community (ESCS) First Community and Founding Treaty
3 Historical Background Founding Members: Germany,France,Italy, Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg. Essential Features of ESCS: * New entity with international legal status * Separate and Autonomous Inst. * Transfer of legislative powers.
4 Historical Background 1957 Treaties of Rome, establishing: A) European Atomic Energy Community B) European Economic Community (2 Founding Treaties) Each Community had a Council, Assembly, Court of Justice and a Commission
5 Historical Background 1973 Ireland and Denmark joined Inactivity in the Community Summit meetings-European Council 1979 Direct Elections of the Assembly 1981 Greece joined 1986 Spain and Portugal joined 1986 Single European Act (SEA) 1992 Maastricht Treaty 1996 Amsterdam Treaty 2001 Nice Treaty
6 Historical Background 1992 Treaty on European Union- The Maastricht Treaty: Comprehensive amendment of the Treaty of Rome Set out series of political intentions Created the European Union Introduced 3 pillars, which are:
7 Historical Background * Common Foreign and Security Policy, 3 existing Communities and Cooperation in Justice and Home Affairs Maintenance of acquis communautaire Introduced the single currency-EURO Introduced co-decision procedure Introduced the notion of Union citizenship
8 13 December 2002 Copenhagen Summit European Council decided to welcome 10 more countries to join the EU on 1 May Bulgaria and Romania shall become EU members
9 Turkey September Association Agreement for establishment of a Customs Union Turkey applied for full membership December Turkey was officially recognized as candidate state October 2005 – Opening of Accession Negotiations