The Founding Fathers of America Jonathan Palumbo 9 th grade History Next Slide
The Founding Fathers Benjamin Franklin George WashingtonJohn AdamsThomas Jefferson John JayJames MadisonAlexander HamiltonFrancis Scott Key Quiz Question Click on any of the above figures to learn more about them! When you think you are ready, move onto the quiz question.
Benjamin Franklin Born in Boston in He began his career in Philadelphia where he worked as a newspaper writer. He eventually became interested in experimental studies and was responsible for the discovery of electricity. Franklin became a key supporter of the American Revolution and helped draft the Declaration of Independence, to fight against the British. Return to menu
George Washington First President of the United States. Born in 1732 Pursued a career in the military early on in his life, and fought as a general during the French and Indian War. In 1775 Washington was appointed Chief of the Continental Army to lead the American troops into battle during the American Revolution. The war against the British lasted 6 long years, until Washington forced the British surrender at Yorktown in In 1787, Washington was unanimously appointed President due to his excellent leadership skills. Return to menu
John Adams Second President of the United States. Born in the Massachusetts Bay Colony in During the American Revolution, he was a diplomatic politician, attempting to negotiate peace with the European countries. During Washington’s Presidency, Adams served as the first Vice-President In 1797, when Washington stepped down, Adams was elected President and focused his term on French and British relations. Return to menu
Thomas Jefferson Third President of the United States Born in Virginia in Jefferson was of high social class and also well educated in the school of law. During the American Revolution, Jefferson was a key delegate and was responsible for the drafting of the Declaration of Independence. Jefferson was elected President in 1801 and began forming the first Republican Party. His main accomplishment while in office was the acquisition of the Louisiana Purchase in Return to menu
John Jay Born in New York in During the American Revolution, he was the chief ambassador to Spain and France, helping to create a strong foreign policy. After the Revolution, John Jay was responsible for the peace negations between America and the British, ultimately leading to the signing of the Jay Treaty. As a founding father, Jay helped set up the Constitution, and even became the first avid supporter of the emancipation of slavery. Return to menu
James Madison Fourth President of the United States. Born in 1751 in Virginia. He also helped ratify the Constitution, but was also responsible for the writing of the Bill of Rights. Madison served as Thomas Jefferson’s Secretary of State, before being elected to office himself in During Madison’s Presidency, he had difficult relations with the British who were imposing difficult trade opportunities with America. Madison was also involved in declaring America’s second war against the British, the War of Return to menu
Alexander Hamilton Born in Hamilton was the first Secretary of Treasury. Was a key supporter and delegate at the Philadelphia convention, calling for the colonies to unite and fight against the British. Helped draft the Constitution. Hamilton was a war general, and fought alongside of George Washington at the Battle of Yorktown, where America won its Independence. Return to menu
Francis Scott Key Even though Francis Scott Key wasn’t involved in the signing of the Declaration of Independence or in the American Revolution, he is still considered a Founding Father due to his contributions to the American National Anthem. During the War of 1812, Francis Scott Key was sent to Baltimore to negotiate peace with the British, however when he got there a large scale battle was already set in place, and all Francis Scott Key could do was watch. This battle inspired Francis Scott Key to write the American National Anthem, after the flag still stood proudly after the battle was over. Return to menu
Quiz Question Which Founding Father served as a general during the American Revolution, and eventually became President? 1.George WashingtonGeorge Washington 2. Thomas JeffersonThomas Jefferson 3.Alexander HamiltonAlexander Hamilton
CORRECT!!!! George Washington did indeed serve as Chief of the Continental Army during the American Revolution. He was also elected as the first President. Great Job! Next Slide
Oops! You’re on the right track. Thomas Jefferson did eventually become President, however he was never actually involved in the fighting during the American Revolution. Click on the return button and try to answer the question again. Return
Almost. Alexander Hamilton did serve as a general during the American Revolution, but he was never appointed President. Click on the return button and try to answer the question again. Return
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