Team Hotel: Russell Cabral, Tomi Damo, Ryan Kosak, Vijeta Patel, Lipi Vahanwala Advisors: Bill Keesom – Jacobs Consultancy Jeffery Perl, PhD – UIC Dept. Of Chemical Engineering March 8,
What we are doing? Producing syngas from petcoke Using entrained flow gasifier Implementing a rigorous syngas cleaning Why we are doing this? Making syngas for acetic acid production Chemical production team specs ▪ CO to H2 molar ratio of ▪ CO2 and N2 mixed in 2 gasification/ 3/8/2011
Discussed the Shell ™ membrane gasifier Discussed our syngas processes Sulfur Removal Claus Process Water Gas Shift Flow Sheets Early Material and Energy Balances 4 3/8/2011
What was the heat rate brought up in the gasifier comparisons? Why use N 2 as a transport gas and not CO 2 ? How are we absorbing CO 2 ? What is a better definition of the quench? 5 3/8/2011
Recent changes Using Selexol instead of MDEA Using the Superclaus Aspen Simulation Heat Load Identification Economics Aspen Price Evaluator (ICARUS) Equipment Sizing Energy Balance Location Update 6 3/8/2011
7 Gasification Sulfur Removal Claus Process Water Gas Shift CO2 Removal
8 3/8/2011
9 To WGS
10 3/8/2011
11 3/8/2011
12 3/8/2011
13 Claus Process EquipmentHeat Load (MMBtu/hr) Claus Furnace-3.26 Condenser Condenser Condenser Condenser Re-heater Re-heater Re-heater Catalytic Reactor Catalytic Reactor Catalytic Reactor /8/2011
Stream Pre-heating Lower Heater / Cooler Duties Heat Duty and Heat Ex. Cost Tradeoff 14 Furnace Cooler HX Acid Gas Cold Acid Gas Hot To Claus Catalysts Hot Furnace Gas Cold Furnace Gas 3/8/2011
Gasification Process $240,000,000 Solid Removal Claus Process CO2 Absorption Water-gas Shift Final syngas product 15 3/8/2011
SIZEINDIRECT COST DIRECT COST Air Separation Unit N/A $100,000,000 Petroleum Coke Crusher $ 5,401,890 $ 7,022,455 Gasifier (x2) N/A $ 132,000,000 Heat Exchanger (x2) $611,480 $ 1,284, /8/2011
Solid Removal $670,000 CO2 Absorption Water-gas Shift Final syngas product Sulfur Removal Gasification Process $240,000, /8/2011
SIZEINDIRECT COST DIRECT COST Filter 16 sq ft $ 364,770 $ 510,680 Cyclone (x3) (Removes Fly Ash) 5 ft dia.$ 307,800$ 477, /8/2011
Sulfur Removal $9,300,000 Water-Gas Shift CO2 Absorption Final syngas product Solid Removal $670,000 Gasification Process $240,000, /8/2011
SIZE EQUIP COSTTOTAL COST Absorber (x2) 12.7 x 60 ft$ 2,400,000 $ 4,800,000 Stripper (x2) 17 x 30 ft $ 1,560,000 $ 3,300,000 Heat Exchanger1200 sq ft $ 121,980 $ 256,155 Reactor (x3) TBD $ (103,115)* $ (164,985)* Cooler sq ft$ 168,800 $ 320,600 Cooler sq ft$ 16,700 $ 79,200 Cooler sq ft$ 13,600 $ 73,600 Cooler sq ft$ 11,800 $ 69, /8/2011
WGS Reactor CO2 Absorption Final syngas product Sulfur Removal $9,300,000 $56,000, ft3 $360,000 Gasification Process $240,000,000 Solid Removal $670, /8/2011
EquipmentSizeEquip CostDirect Cost CO2 Absorber (x2) 12.7 x 60 ftN/A $ 3,000,000 CO2 Stripper (x2) 17 x 30 ft $ 203,170 $ 256,800 Compressor $ 272,889$ 409, /8/2011
CO2 Absorption $56,000,000 Final syngas product Solid Removal $670,000 Gasification Process $240,000,000 Sulfur Removal $9,300,000 WGS Reactor $360,000 $306,430, /8/2011
Other Fixed Cost License Fees and Royalties 2% of Capital Cost Maintenance 5% of Capital Cost Laboratory Cost 30% Labor Cost Insurance 1% Capital Cost Capital Cost as of now= $ 306,430,000 Labor Cost as of now = $ 18,000, /8/2011
Type Cost of year 1 ($ Million/year) Cost at the end of 25 th year Assumptions Loan $20.5$ 1.5Based on 6% interest Cooling water $1.9$ 6.0Based on 5% inflation rate Electrical $1.8$ 5.8Estimated from a plant’s electrical cost Salaries and Fringes $ 24$ 77 Average of 35 people/shift Maintenance $17$ 555 % of the capital cost Royalties $ 5$15.85% of production revenue Insurance $3.4$ 111% of the capital cost Raw materials $ 34$107.6 Depreciation $14 Capital cost/25 years Total $121.6$ Capital Cost as of now = $ 306,430,000 Estimated Revenue as of now = $ 94,000,000
Product and Side Products Unit Price (per ton) Revenue (per year) Syngas $150.00$ million CO2 $40.00$ 7.00 million Sulfur $10.00$ 0.30 million ~ $ 94 million 26 3/8/2011
Victoria, Texas Between Houston and Corpus Christi 200 acres Kansas City Southern, Union Pacific, and Burlington Northern Santa Fe railways Gulf Intracoastal Waterway 27 3/8/2011
Overall ASPEN procedure Gasification Rough Economics Cost estimate: Profit estimate: Location: Victoria, Texas 3/8/201128
Final process flow diagram Control scheme Optimize economy scale Revise capital costs Major equipments list and plant layout Revise report 3/8/201129
uestration/what_sequestration_lg.jpg uestration/what_sequestration_lg.jpg gasification/ gasification/ levine/questions-as-mileposts- of_b_ html levine/questions-as-mileposts- of_b_ html 30 3/8/2011
Final Report: Executive SummaryIP DiscussionIP Recommendations IP Appendices Design Basis: Done Block Flow Diagram: Done Process Flow Showing Major Equip.: IP 31 3/8/2011
Appendices (Continued) Material and Energy Balances:IP Calculations: IP Annotated Equip. List: IP Econ. Eval. Factored from Equip. Costs: IP Utilities: IP Conceptual Control Scheme: N/A Major Equipment Layout: IP 32 3/8/2011
Appendices (Continued) Distribution and End-use Issues:IP Constraints Review: IP Applicable Standards: IP Project Communications File: IP Information Sources and References:IP 33 3/8/2011
Inlet Fraction Clean Syngas Component Flow for WGS Reactor(lbmoles/hr) for WGSCp (btu/lbmole* F) Outlet Syngas Comp (lbmole/hr) from (WGS) CO H2O N H2* CO CH4* H2S0.000 COS0.000 Total /8/2011
Gasifier EquipmentHeat Load (MMBtu/hr) Gasifier-34.7 HP Steam Heat Exchanger139.0 MP Steam Heat Exchanger281 Cooler Flash2.99 Sulfur Clean Up EquipmentHeat Load (MMBtu/hr) Sulfur Stripper Reboiler57.0 Sulfur Stripper Cooler Selexol Cooler-40.7 Rich / Lean Heat Exchanger /8/
CO2 in our syngas is absorbed on Selexol to be selectively removed Delete only one CO2 slide. 383/8/2011
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