challengesdemomind-reading machinesautism {kaliouby, teeters, MIT | Media Lab | Affective Computing Mind-Read > Act > Persuade hmm … Roz looks busy. Its probably not a good time to bring this up Analysis of nonverbal cues Inference and reasoning about mental states Modify one’s actions Persuade others
challengesdemomind-reading machinesautism {kaliouby, teeters, MIT | Media Lab | Affective Computing Real time Mental State Inference Feature point tracking* Head pose estimation Facial feature extraction Head & facial action unit recognition Head & facial display recognition Mental state inference hmm … Let me think about this think El Kaliouby and Robinson (2005) * Nevenvision face-tracker
challengesdemomind-reading machinesautism {kaliouby, teeters, MIT | Media Lab | Affective Computing Complex Mental States (subset) Agreeing Concentrating Disagreeing Interested Thinking Unsure Assertive Committed Persuaded Sure Absorbed Concentrating Vigilant Disapproving Discouraging Disinclined Asking Curious Impressed Interested Brooding Choosing Thinking Thoughtful Baffled Confused Undecided Unsure Affective-Cognitive Mental States Agreeing Assertive Committed Persuaded Sure Baron-Cohen et al. AUTISM RESEARCH CENTRE, CAMBRIDGE
challengesdemomind-reading machinesautism {kaliouby, teeters, MIT | Media Lab | Affective Computing Sense > Explore > Assist Comfortable sensing in natural Environment Explore socio-emotional cues in self and others Assist in communication (how to respond to disinterest) Partner with behavioral programs already in place (Groden Center)
challengesdemomind-reading machinesautism {kaliouby, teeters, MIT | Media Lab | Affective Computing Self-Cam Monitoring self-expressions (along with other body sensors) Opportunity to learn about emotion expression in self Networked > exchange of social-emotional cues Videos recorded by myDejaView camera
challengesdemomind-reading machinesautism {kaliouby, teeters, MIT | Media Lab | Affective Computing Expression Capture Opportunity to replay/reflect on expressions of people you interact with Fun using a camera Improved ability to look at, recognize, and respond to expressions Camera by myDejaView