How do you make an essay flow?
In this lesson, you will learn how to make your essay flow by connecting your examples, facts, and reasons to your thesis.
Let’s Review In each body paragraph of your essay, you will explain a reason that supports your opinion. Thesis Statement 1 st Body Paragraph: Reason 1 2 nd Body Paragraph: Reason 2 3 rd Body Paragraph: Reason 3
Writing Process Generate Ideas Generate Ideas Write Drafts Write Drafts Revise & Edit Revise & Edit 1 2 3
Let’s Review A Common Mistake Not connecting your reason and example from your life to your thesis statement. Reason Example and Fact Thesis How do this reason and example relate to your opinion?
Let’s Review Core Lesson Reread your reason, examples, and facts. 1 2 Use one of these prompts to connect your paragraph to your thesis: This shows… I think… You can tell…
Let’s Review Core Lesson Reread your reason, examples, and facts. 1 Body Paragraph #1 First, using public transportation is a great way to unite and build communities. Because buses and subways hold more people, communities are brought together. As a result of these small spaces, people are required to mingle and meet each other. In addition, taking public transportation will make your commute more interesting, as you get to know a new neighbor!
Let’s Review Core Lesson Use one of these prompts to connect your paragraph to your thesis: This shows… I think… You can tell… 2
Let’s Review Core Lesson 2 First, using public transportation is a great way to unite and build communities. Because buses and subways hold more people, communities are brought together. As a result of these small spaces, people are required to mingle and meet each other. In addition, taking public transportation will make your commute more interesting, as you get to know a new neighbor! I think that as people connect within communities, our society will become more friendly and safe. How can I connect this reason and example back to my opinion?
Let’s Review Core Lesson Reread your reason, examples, and facts. 1 2 Use one of these prompts to add more: This shows… I think… You can tell…
In this lesson, you have learned how to make your essay flow by connecting your examples, facts, and reasons to your thesis.
Let’s Review Guided Practice Read the following thesis statement and body paragraph. Try writing your own ending to the paragraph, in a way that connects the reason and example to the thesis statement.
Let’s Review Guided Practice Thesis Statement: If you want to have more energy and have a healthier life, you should choose to eat healthy foods. Fruits, vegetables, and whole grains give your body vitamins and nutrients that your body needs to function properly. This can keep you from getting sick, so you don’t have to miss school or playtime! Last summer, I ate a lot of junk food and got sick with the flu. I was home sick for a whole week!
Let’s Review Extension Activities Brainstorm a new thesis statement and create an outline for the first body paragraph, using the organizer below. Thesis Statement Reason:Personal Example:Connect back to thesis:
Let’s Review Extension Activities Now, take your outline and draft your practice body paragraph!
Let’s Review Quick Quiz Read the following thesis statement and body paragraph. Try writing your own ending to the paragraph in a way that connects the reason and example to the thesis statement. Thesis Statement: Students should get more access and time to use computers. Computers are a great tool and resource for learning. I found some great websites, videos, and online encyclopedias that helped me write my report on elephants last year.