Neeranchal Project Duration and Components
Assumptions Around Project Duration At concept state, assumed a 5 to 7 year implementation period Recognize that first year is a low disbursement year Establishing initial capacities in DoLR, states Completing major procurement of key service providers Developing partnerships, etc IWMP will work on a five-year cycle Perhaps assume six year implementation period Flexibility is important
Assumptions about Project Components Currently three main components + project management: 1. Capacity building: Key national institutions (DoLR, CLNA, NRAA, etc): Program and policy development, analysis, IWMP delivery, M&E, coordination, etc. Relevant institutions in all states (SNNA, village, GP, farmers): Technical skills – watershed management, natural resources management, rural livelihoods, water management, agricultural improvement, climate change adaptation Program management
Assumptions about Project Components 2. State IWMP Support (similar to new KWDP-II): Introduction of decision-support models for site selection, etc Develop digital data bases to support planning Larger scale watershed assessment/planning Improved micro-watershed planning, tools Facilitate program integration, convergence Community-based monitoring, tools
Assumptions about Project Components 3. Nationwide Innovation Support: Applied R&D on key thematic areas Develop tools for advanced hydrological assessment Demand-driven technology transfer Improved research planning, coordination, evaluation
Assumptions about Project Components 4. Nationwide Project Implementation Support: Incremental costs at central and state level institutions Communications, informatics Web site development, management 3 rd party M&E, baseline, etc.
Key Points Components must deliver on the PDO Components help define project scale At concept stage, component design is very basic During preparation, must flesh out sub-components, activities and costs During implementation, design is fairly flexible within components