Interesting Facts: 23 – 27 November Road Safety Week It is Road Safety Week this week, which is all about raising awareness of the importance of being safe on the road both for pedestrians and vehicle drivers. Book Week Scotland Book Week Scotland is a week long celebration of books and reading that takes place every November. This year the theme is significant journeys people have taken in their lives. 23 November 1963 First ever episode of Dr Who broadcast. The first Dr was played by David Hartnell.
What’s on this week? Monday 9.15Business Meeting 11.15Learner/SMT Discussion – P Learner/SMT Discussion – P5 Tuesday AMVisit to Library – P P6 Piping – GP Room P7 Piping – GP Room Learner/SMT Discussions – P4
What’s on this week?? Wednesday 1.15French Club P6 + P7 Room Learner/SMT Discussion – P2 3.00Supa Club P5-P7 GP Room Netball P6 + P7 Infant Hall 3.15Netball Nippers P2 PE Hall
What’s on this week?? Thursday 10.00Learners/SMT Discussion – P Pupil Council – GP Room Netball Nippers P2 – PE Hall 3.00Netball P5 – Infant Hall Friday 10.00Learners/SMT Discussion – P6
5E are on LAW Duty this week. Eco Club / Papdale’s Got Talent Auditions are this week and pupils were reminded to take their own music and any equipment they might need. Mats would be provided if doing gymnastics.
The final total for Children in Need is £ Well done everybody!
Well Done to …………. Kairi for getting a 3 rd in Kickboxing
Well Done to …………. Josh and Ryan for taking part in the Orkney Hotel Pumpkin Carving Competition
Well Done to …………. Fergus for passing his Level 1 in Swimming
Well Done to …………. Sam and Jamsie for going up a level in Karate. Sam is now an orange belt, and Jamsie is a red belt.
Well Done to …………. Alex, Lewis, Ryan, Murray and Harvey for competing in the BB’s Football Competition in Dounby and all received medals.
Buddy of the Week Erin 7M