2 The LTS process Current Local Transport Strategy 2007 – 2012 now extended to end 2013, but in need of replacement. Aim to have new LTS in place by end Two stage consultation: 1)4 February to 17 March 2013, on Issues for Review. 2)Early autumn, on new draft LTS. Almond Neighbourhood Partnership.
3 Transport 2030 Vision. Local Transport Strategy 2014 – 2019 Road Safety Active Travel Intelligent Transport Systems Parking Public and Accessible Transport Action Plan Roads and Pavements Maintenance Action Plan Local Transport Strategy Almond Neighbourhood Partnership.
4 Issues covered by the Report. 1.Integrated Transport. 2.Supported Bus Services. 3.Speed Limits – 20mph. 4.Speed Limits – 30mph. 5.School Streets. 6.City Centre Parking. 7.Sunday Parking. 8.Residents Parking/Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ). 9.Air Quality. 10.Travel Planning. Issues not covered by the Report. Current Action Plans and areas of settled policy. Issues being dealt with by other processes. Almond Neighbourhood Partnership.
5 Issues in which there is no planned change in policy direction. Street Design and Strategic Transport Network Management. Active Travel. Road Safety. Longer Distance Connectivity. Park and Ride. Transport and Planning policy integration. Edinburgh Tram. Almond Neighbourhood Partnership.
6 Areas of change being dealt with through other processes. Maintenance and Renewals. The City Centre. Community and Accessible Transport Forth Replacement Crossing Public Transport Strategy. Almond Neighbourhood Partnership.
7 Consultation Process. StakeholderProposed format Political group spokespersons.Meetings Edinburgh Partnership. Workshop/Questionnaires. Transport Forum members and interest groups (e.g. business community, equalities groups, public transport operators, etc). Neighbourhood Partnerships and Community Councils. SEStran/Neighbouring Councils and Transport Scotland. General public.Paper & electronic questionnaires/Libraries/Offices. Media.Media briefing. Social media will be used to encourage responses. Almond Neighbourhood Partnership.
8 2. Supported Bus Services Option 1 Increase funding to maintain, and where possible enhance, current service levels. Option 2 Safeguard current level of spend in real terms. Almond Neighbourhood Partnership.
9 Thank you for listening Almond Neighbourhood Partnership.