Introduction to Research Methodology For Information Technology Students [cf. Martin Olivier 1997]
Introduction to Research Methodology Solving a Problem What is Research? Good research has as its ultimate aim the benefit of society. Research is “an investigation to discover facts”
Introduction to Research Methodology High quality research is characterised by the following attributes: l It is based on the work of others l It can be replicated l It is generalisable to other settings l It is based on some logical rationale and tied to theory l It is doable! l It generates new questions or is clinical in nature l It is incremental
Introduction to Research Methodology Strategies for conducting research 1. Compile information on some topic where bits & pieces have already been discovered (often by other researchers), but where the bits & pieces have not yet been integrated into a single coherent body of knowledge. 2. Solve a problem for which no known (or apparent) solution exists. 3. Look with new eyes at existing knowledge (or standard ways of doing things). In other words, find a better solution for a problem that has previously been solved.
Introduction to Research Methodology The steps in the research process l Asking the question l Finding the problem area l Identifying the important factors l Formulating an hypothesis l Establishing present situation l Testing the hypothesis l Evaluating found solutions l Asking new questions l Adding new knowledge to body of knowledge
Introduction to Research Methodology Identify Problem Establish present situation Describe unsolved Aspects of problem Or limitations Find potential Solution(s) Evaluate found solutions Add new knowledge To body of knowledge Your choice Literature survey Literature survey and receptive mind Various research methods Critical analysis Publish
Summary This lesson has provided an overview of What research constitutes, Culminating in the Research Cycle in relation to Information Technology.
Next Steps Next we shall explore: l The tools for designing your project, l Project design.
Assignment 1. Find a number of academic journals from the library. Select ten papers with interesting titles from those journals. Read the abstracts from the journals and state the problem addressed by the paper. Briefly state why the research is of interest according to the abstract. (4 or 5 sentences per paper should suffice). 2. Pick some research area which is of particular interest to you. Identify one or more interesting problems from this area and write the problems down. (These will be used in subsequent chapters). Start collecting background information about this area. 3. Submission date: 16 February 2000, Part-time Students: 18 February 2000