Overview: Personnel Management Presented by: Denzil Verardo, Ph.D. California Performance Review August 27, 2004 cpr.ca.gov
Human Capital Crisis 34% (or 70,000) state workers are at least 50 years of age and eligible to retire within 5 years Employees at least 50 years of age will increase by 37,000 within the next 5 years, and by another 34,000 in 10 years 68% of the state's current civil service workforce are at least 40 years of age
Associated Personnel Management Issues Personnel System: Fragmented and Divided Recruitment: There is no systematic program to recruit the brightest and best state workers
Associated Personnel Management Issues (continued) Training: The state does not strategically invest in improving the knowledge, skills and abilities of its workers Employee Evaluations are Ineffective: There are not routine performance evaluations and there are not concrete performance goals
Solving the Problem Fix the Personnel System Consolidate and Update State Civil Service Classifications
Solving the Problem Recruitment and Selection Establish a Statewide Recruitment Program Plan for replacing employees with qualified, well-trained and educated workforce Thoughtful and intelligent workers are critical to the future of good government Give workers the skills to do their jobs
Focus on Employee Performance No Motivation; No Results: Create a Performance Culture in State Service Create a Fair and Efficient Employee Discipline System Solving the Problem
Personnel Management 19 Issues 89 Recommendations $3.3 Billion in savings over 5 years cpr.ca.gov
“I don’t know what your destiny will be, but I do know that the only ones of you that will be truly happy will be those who have sought and found how to serve.” --Albert Schweitzer Creating a Customer Friendly Government
Make High Quality Customer Service a high priority for all employees in State Service Create a Customer Service Framework (Action Plan, Written Commitment, Recognition) Create a Customer Service Representative Classification Customer Service is a Priority
Make it easier for Californians to access and use government services State Agencies should make all forms available to file Online Citizens should be able to pay Drivers’ License Renewal Online DMV should implement more and easy electronic payment options Californians First