Part 2 At what point to you process a Request for Personnel Action (RPA SF-52)/SF-50 if a claimant is out of work due to their work related injury? TIP OF THE WEEK - May 19,
Answer: PART 2 If an SF 50/52 was processed for a period of LWOP, then a personnel action should be processed upon the IW return to work. Using the Guide to Processing Personnel Actions, Chapter 16. – Nature of Action code: 292 (RTD) – Authority Code : Q3K. – Remark Code : G11 – The remarks section: “Employee paid under 5 U.S.C.chapter 81 from (date) through (date). The entire period shall be credited for all rights and benefits based on length of service.” Reference: Department of Defense Instruction: DOD Civilian Personnel Management System: Injury Compensation V810 Guide to Processing Personnel Actions, Chapter 16, 2 If you have a question or topic for Tip of the Week, contact your District 6 Liaison, Jacksonville, FL
CHART: 3 If you have a question or topic for Tip of the Week, contact your District 6 Liaison, Jacksonville, FL Reference: Guide to Processing Personnel Actions documentation/personnel-documentation/#url=Processing-Personnel-Actionshttp:// documentation/personnel-documentation/#url=Processing-Personnel-Actions