LIFT: Back Spin LIFT: Top Spin Bottom of ball moving toward the direction of the ball’s flight lower flow on bottom higher flow on top F LIFT UPWARD Top of the ball moving toward the direction of the ball’s flight lower flow on top higher flow on bottom F LIFT DOWNWARD
Back Spin Ball an to floor
Bottom of ball moving toward flight direction Ball has both horizontal and vertical motion ball spin rubs floor in a horizontal direction that decelerates the ball’s forward motion Result = horizontal vertical motion Rebound is higher than drop
Top Spin Ball an to floor
Top of ball moving toward flight direction Ball has both horizontal and vertical motion ball spin rubs floor in a horizontal direction that accelerates the ball’s forward motion Result = horizontal vertical motion Rebound is lower than drop
Back Spin Basketball Bank Shot
Backboard is on a vertical plane Ball an to board with Back Spin same reaction as a top spin ball off floor
Different View of Backboard Ball coming into backboard with top spin
Side Spin Ball Hits Straight On
Lateral spin pushes horizontally against wall/rail a reaction force in the opposite direction of the spin ball rebound is in the direction of the reaction force