Municipal Operations Administration Planning Development Police Fire Transit Roads Water Libraries Social Housing Ambulance Sewage Airport Parks and Recreation Pools Arenas Skateboard Trails Sidewalks Marina Landfill Docks Railway Seniors Centres By-Laws Road Closings Detours Fireworks Parades Fairs Comtee. of Council Volunteers Special Events Facility Rentals
Liability – Facility Rental Liability risk is a serious concern for Municipalities. Courts often look for Insurance and / or deep pockets to pay for liability losses. Municipalities rent facilities to residents, associations and other user groups. User Group has control over functions and activities. Municipalities are requiring Renter to provide liability insurance protection adding Municipality as additional insured. Facility User Group Liability Coverage is low cost and easily obtained at time of rental. Provides $2,000,000 / $5,000,000 liability coverage to User with a $ deductible and MINIMIZES loss exposure to Municipality.
Why does my group need User Group Liability Insurance Accidents Happen – Your group could be sued by anyone who claims injury or damages resulting from activities of your organization. Liability insurance will defend you and pay for damages awarded against you. Even if found blameless, litigation defence costs will be covered.
Who is Covered? All members of your organization collectively including you, your spouse, your members, your partners, their spouses, your executive officers and directors, your stockholders, your employees, your volunteers, any member participating in a sporting activity including participants, executives, managers, coaches, trainers, officials and volunteers while acting within the scope of their duties on your behalf - But only while using the facilities of the Municipality or Organization for which the rental / use applies. Additional Insured – The Municipality or Organization is added as an additional insured, with respect to the liability which arises out of the activities of the Named Insured.
What is Covered? Policy covers your legal liability for bodily injury to or damage to property of others such as spectators, passers-by, property owners and others resulting from your activity. In addition your legal liability to participants is covered.
MEETINGS & WORKSHOPS Arts, crafts, bridge, religious services, speakers, workshops/classroom instruction i.e. Computers and language (refer other types)
EVENTS Anniversaries, art shows and exhibits, auctions, banquet, bazaars, adult birthday parties, dance parties, dinners, exhibits, family celebrations to include; christenings, showers, stags, weddings, etc., fashion shows, festival/concert, garage sale for local neighbourhood ONLY at municipal facility, graduation, photo shoots, picnics, theatre performances, music and dance recitals/ performances, retirement, dance and talent shows, reunions Vendors can be included at the request of the event organizer. The permit must read: Name of Event Organizer “INCLUDING VENDORS” and a copy of the permit must be sent to Programmed Insurance Brokers at time of booking by the municipality. All vendors would be subject to a Products and Completed Operations Exclusion.
LOW RISK SPORTS Badminton, Bowling, Curling, Dance Lessons, Horseshoes, Shuffle Board, Table Tennis, Tennis, Tai Chi, Public Skating
MEDIUM RISK SPORTS Baseball, Basketball, Broomball, Cricket, Dodge ball, Field Hockey, Ball/Roller/Floor Hockey, Handball, Racquetball, Soccer, Softball, Slo-pitch, Squash, Swimming with Lifeguard, T-ball, Non-contact Touch/Flag Football, Synchronized Swimming, Fitness Classes, Track & Field, Ultimate Frisbee, Volleyball, Yoga, Figure Skating, Non-Contact Martial Arts, Non-Contact Pick- up Lacrosse Non-Contact Pick-up Hockey, Ringette – see rate sheet Adult Hockey – non contact Minor Hockey (18 and under) non contact – pickup only Note: Hockey Camps / schools – Complete Sports Camp Supplement Form
HIGH RISK - EXLUDED SPORTS The following are EXCLUDED activities under the User Group Program Alpine Skiing, Boxing, Climbing Walls, Contact Minor Hockey, Contact Adult Hockey, Cycling, Fireworks (unless under direction of a certified Fireworks Display Supervisor), Gymnastics, Horse Related, Kickboxing, Rugby, Skateboarding/Skateboard Parks, Snowboarding, Tackle Football, Contact Martial Arts, Contact Lacrosse, Bubble-soccer, Mid-ways/ Amusement Rides Refer to Programmed Insurance Brokers for all other sports
The administrator of the program uses the rate schedule to quote various activities as indicated. The administrator collects the premium and taxes from the renter and gives them a confirmation of coverage form. Your rental agreement should contain a section to advise if renter took the User Group Insurance or if they supplied their own proof of insurance. A spread sheet should be maintained and contain the following information: Name of Applicant Name of Event Type of Function: example - baseball tournament, stag & doe, etc. Date(s) of Function (dates should match with the rental agreement) Facility in which the event is being held Contract # - a reference number to the rental agreement - the insurance company will want a copy of the rental agreement in the event of a claim. Premium charge Tax Quarterly Reports will be required: Please report to at the end of each January 1 – March 31 April 1 – June 30 July 1 – September 30 October 1 – December 31 Once the quarterly report is received, PIB will invoice you accordingly. If there are multiple activities or if the event does not fall within published rates and is not an excluded activity, please have the client complete a Special Event Application and to for a Please have client complete Supplemental Camp Application for all minor hockey camps that are not covered under a hockey association as these must be referred. User Group Program - How it Works