Food Overview How does food affect people? Why do we choose the food we do? How do humans change food from ‘land to hand’? In this unit of work students investigate the affect of food production and consumption on people. They research the significance of food to people and the related health issues. Working in teams and partnerships, using data and comparative studies to make projections and hypotheses regarding the future. Students return to the curriculum framing questions throughout the unit to guide their debate and research.
FOOD Vision for the unit Students will be challenged to assess the impact of food on people In particular: Why is food important to us? Why is food a problem for us? Students will be involved in: Research Comparative studies Critical thinking Debates and role plays Creating web based and print communications “This unit should help students to understand the significance of global environmental issues, a subject so much in the public eye, that they may well “turn off”. Through research and role play, the unit will generate real engagement with the topic and deeper thought and communication.”
Food Gauging Student Needs Students view television ads and cooking shows about food Students complete a wonder wall chart. Information gained from the wonder wall chart will be used to inform the teaching and learning activities undertaken as part of this unit.
Curriculum framing questions How does food change from land to hand