Travelling to Antarctica by Ben madgwick
Getting there… Anne if you are wanting to get to Antarctica in one piece I suggest you choose a cruise company to help you on your way.Personally I would choose Orion cruises, this way you would get there safely and comfortably, if you don’t like cruises you could always fly, many flights are available, a couple a times a week at the least. Unless you want to freeze to death I suggest you go in the summer months eg.december/january not in June. Unfortunately you are not allowed to bring foreign animals into Antarctica anymore so the huskies are not an option. I think it would be best to go with tour group or at least a guide and not on your own because you don’t want to get lost or injured. Seeing as though you live in Canberra, you might as well go from there, it is easier going from Sydney than it is from South America. Diving penguins Vacuum packed food
What to take… - Even though it does gets bitterly cold in Canberra, Antarctica is a whole different story. temperature can drop well below -20 so I suggest you go to your local adventure store and look in the heavy duty section also a great way to get warm is layering, make sure to bring thermals( tight against skin to keep body heat in.) If you are travelling with a guide or group they will either supply most of the food or tell you what to bring, dehydrated packaged foods are great in harsh conditions. Although you said you were independent I suggest you take a friend,you can gain support from each other and you will find it with strengthen your relationship alot. Climate graph for Casey, Antarctica