Life in Antarctica
Penguins live in colonies, as shown below.
Galapagos penguins live in the north of Antarctica.
This penguin is a rock hopper penguin.
These chicks are staying close to their mum or dad. It is reasonable to do so as the chicks need to stay warm and safe.
Adelie penguins are the shortest penguins in the entire Antarctic.
Pictures of penguins This adult emperor penguin is looking after it’s chick.
Penguin study and habitat Penguins are absolutely interesting. A person that studies penguins is called a penguinoligist. Penguins live on Antarctica. They are usually in colinies of millions.
Food Penguins eat krill and small fish. To protect them from the bitter cold of the sea, they have two layers of feathers. The first layer is fluffy and traps heat and the second layer is slick and waterproof, to move through the water easily.
Survival gear We humans are struggling to find more places on earth. In the struggle, we found Antarctica. Antarctica is a freezing cold continent and it’s natural inhabitants are penguins. To go there, we had to wear really warm clothes.
Below is what Antarctica would look like from space.
That’s all from Robert and if you ever go to the Antarctic don’t forget your survival kit!