If you want to no more, read this. By Aleigha Walters.
For and against. For mining in Antarctica Against mining in Antarctica. They can go to a new place It doesn't get in there way What's wrong with it It could kill animals or badly injure them. It could separate groups of animals. It could destroy there homes.
Mining in Antarctica. Antarctica is a place of wonder, magic and wildlife. For gigantic sheets of ice, lays fossils, miles below. It’s wonderful animals has ganged many explores from all over the world to investigate, explore and discover its beauty. It has changed, as scientist, campers and lots more people, have come to discover and learn new things. So the question is: why mine in Antarctica?
People, (such as the government) are doing this so people (such as me) can have power, a home, food, electronics and lot’s more. It’s good that the government is doing this so we can survive, but out of all of the places in the world, it has to be in Antarctica. There is lots more places in the world to mine in, and they chose Antarctica. Think about the animals, and all the different you have been making.
Machinery in Antarctica.
Globule warming. Mining in Antarctica can help with the globule warming. If Antarctica melts, were are all the poor animals going to stay. I think that they should mind there own things and stop destroying Antarctica. If Antarctica dose melt, then think about the ocean. It will get bigger and it might cause floding.