Description Location: Middle latitudes, in the interior of continents. On every continent except Antarctica
Temp and Rainfall Temperature: -40 to 80 Rainfall: approximately 30 inches per year. Enough to support grasses, and few trees
Types of Grassland Tall Grasslands: Humid, very wet. Example: Pampas Short Grasslands: Dry. Hotter Summers and colder winters. Example: Steppe
Food web
Vertical Stratification Soil Dominated grasses and other plants Shrubs Small trees
Specific Adaptations Bison: Broad-flat topped teeth and digestive systems especially adapted to feed on grasslands Eagle: Keen eye sight, hallowed bones and feathers and strong beaks. Dung beatle: Use dung for energy source and sometimes bury the dung and use it for shelter
Geological feature Contours of a grassland (rolling hills) -Dramatic contours or grassland escapes are the result of erosion by ice sheets, erosion by water as the ice melted, an the deposists that are left behind.