1 Program Update/Timeline BJA Regional Information Sharing Conference - November
2 N-DEx will provide law enforcement agencies with a powerful new investigative tool to search, link, analyze and share criminal justice information such as, incident/case reports, incarceration data, and parole/probation data on a national basis to a degree never before possible. N-DEx MISSION
3 N-DEx N-DEx creates a single point of integration and discovery of criminal justice information from Law Enforcement Agencies and other criminal justice systems across the U.S. National Information Sharing Links regional and state systems Virtual regional information sharing N-DEx Vision
4 Prototype activities will support the following program initiatives Support and establish the N-DEx data set and data submission guidelines through GJXDM/NIEM Working with Georgia Tech Research Institute to develop Law Enforcement N-DEx Incident Information Exchange Package Documentation (IEPD) scheduled for release December Focusing on the expansion of code tables and NCCT issue resolution for Hazmat/Explosive codes. Support the evolution of N-DEx business and policy rules through the APB Provide law enforcement active participation and submission/validation of existing RMS data N-DEx IEPD will be posted on the Office of Justice website it.ojp.gov on 12/15/2006 at the Justice Standards Clearinghouse under the Law Enforcement Community
5 Los Angeles Regional Crime Information Center (LARCIS) 205,000 Submissions submitted Mapped data to N-DEx Bundle Version Daily submissions via standard web interface over the CJIS Wide Area Network
6 Automated Regional Justice Information System (ARJIS) 1,000 validated submissions submitted Mapped data to the National Consortium for Justice Information and Statistics (SEARCH) Information Exchange Package Documentation Connectivity via Virtual Private Network across the Law Enforcement Online Network (LEO)
7 Delaware Criminal Justice Information System (DELJIS) 400 incidents submitted and validated 100% on all data sets Resolved all connectivity/firewall issues for CJIS WAN submission EC for CJIS WAN IP change of address has been prepared and submitted through CJIS Connectivity Review Board
8 Prototype Capabilities Prototype agencies will have access to other prototype agencies data Integrated Google and XSLTs (style sheets) for document search and retrieval Completed install and configuration of Informatica and began mappings for SEARCH IEP. Also, began processing of LA incident report data. Completed install and configuration of WebFocus 7 business intelligence tool and generated initial reports: Person Search Location Search System Metrics (#of incidents ingested, new incidents vs. supplemental reports) Implemented ESRI GIS Web service for geocoding location information and integrated with Informatica.
9 Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) N-DEx PIA submitted to Office of General Counsel 05/02/ comments returned Extensive collaboration with OGC & DOJ resulted in a revised PIA. PIA approved through the CJIS internal chain-of-command and submitted to OGC 11/21/2006 Per OGC upper management a second Privacy Council should not be convened with immediate approval of the PIA Subsequent changes to the prototype MOU will be added via an addendum to cover the FOIA issues. (confidentiality clause) An operational MOU is being developed by the N-DEx Program Office Privacy Act System of Records Notice is ready for publication
10 Privacy Advocacy Group First Privacy SME meeting held at CJIS on 06/13/2006 Privacy SMEs in attendance: Stephen Saloom – Innocence Project Christopher Calabrese – Project Council ACLU Tech and Liberty Program Jeffrey Blackburn – Texas Innocence Project Ada Melton – American Indian Development Associates No previously unaddressed privacy issues were identified by the group
11 N-DEx / R-DEx Relationship 250,000 potential users Entity Correlation and Resolution Connectivity via CJIS WAN & LEO N-DEx DOJ DHS/ICE NJSP SCIEX I-CLEAR NCIS DOI OneDOJ DHS/USSS BOP ATF DEA FBI OneDOJ DELJIS LARCIS ARGIS USMS R-DEx Web Services Standard Interface AFOSI Structured State, Local, and Tribal data Unstructured Federal Data
12 What N-DEx and R-DEx will provide N-DEx Will provide for national law enforcement data to be shared through Incident/Case Reports, Incarceration Data & Arrest/Booking Data, as well as Probation/Parole Data Will link regional and state systems R-DEx Will provide regional sharing of detailed DOJ Federal case information with state, local and regional systems Additionally, R-DEx DOJ case information and services will be made available through integration with N-DEx R-DEx Technical System To be relocated at CJIS, WV June, 2007
13 APB Process Privacy Advocate Meeting Acquisition Process July 2006 Establish Integrated Solutions Team Conduct Market Research Sessions Finalize SOO And RFP Released RFP Final Proposals Due Award Contract Task Force Executive CONOPS Review SME Meeting Executive CONOPS Review Task Force Executive CONOPS Review APB Executive CONOPS Approval SME Meeting Scenario Review Full CONOPS Task Force Meeting Full CONOPS APB Working Groups INSH Subcommittee Full CONOPS Review Fall INSH Subcommittee Fall APB Fall Working Group September 2005 October 2005 November 2005 December 2005 January 2006 February 2006 March 2006 April 2006 May 2006 June 2006 August 2006 September 2006 October 2006 November 2006 December 2006 January 2007 APB SMEs/Task Force DD Evaluate Proposals Release RFI Note: Timeline may vary based upon number of vendors participating and acquisition approval process Privacy System of Records Notice Draft PIA To OGC and DOJ Oral Presentations Vendor Conference Due Diligence Period N-DEx Acquisition Timeline
14 Questions Criminal Justice Information Services Division Law Enforcement N-DEx Program Office 1000 Custer Hollow Road Clarksburg, WV (304) Timothy S. Reid Unit Chief/Deputy Program Manager or N-DEx BJA Liaisons Belinda S. Cumpston (304) Debra Lee Louk (304)