Welcome to First Grade! Mueller Elementary Mrs. Greiner’s Class
Mrs. Greiner A little bit about me: Grew up in Klein 7 th year teaching in Klein Went to A&M (whoop!) Special hobbies: House and yard projects
Folders Homework: Go home every Monday, and need to be returned every Friday (GREEN) Behavior: Sent home daily to be signed, must be returned daily (BLUE) Tuesday: Sent home every Tuesday, and returned on Wednesday (MUELLER)
Homework Sent home every Monday, due every Friday Will consist of Math, Reading, Word Wall words and Spelling Spelling will start 2 nd nine weeks
Behavior Expectations Students are expected to: Strive to do your best Treat yourself and others respectfully Accept responsibility for your actions Remain calm and positive Shine on
Behavior Clip system –E+ = Super Student (Pink) –E = Great Job (Purple) –S+ = Good Choices (Blue) –S = Ready To Learn-Clip Starts Here (Green) –S- = Satisfactory- Think About It (Yellow) –N = Needs Improvement- Teacher’s Choice (Orange) –U = Unacceptable- Parent Contact (Red)
Grading Major and minor grades are averaged together. Each carry a weight of 50%. Spelling tests will be averaged together for a major grade.
Achieve/Believe There are 2 teams campus wide. We are Team Achieve! This year, we will be focusing on: Attendance/Tardies Campus behavior Team pride – wear your team color on Fridays! Homework
G/T If you are interested in nominating your child for the gifted program, now is the time to do so. Please see the counselor, Dee Dee Murphy for the required paperwork Paperwork is due by September 25 th If you have questions, please call Ms. Murphy at
Important Points Dress Code PTO
Schedule Specials Monday: Art Tuesday: PE Wednesday: PE Thursday: Music Friday: Music/PE Lunch11:21-11:56 LibraryFridays
Contact Information School Phone: (832) **I will not be able to answer my phone during instructional time, so you may leave a voic **This is the best way to contact me Webpage: Megan Greiner/Home I will return all phone calls/ s within 24 hours
Thanks for coming!